3 thoughts on “Belated Olympics 2010 nano salute; Nokia’s Morph resurfaces; labeling nano foodstuffs?; Canada’s intellectual property and the EU; Harvard’s School of Engineering features an undergrad course on cooking

  1. inkbat

    hey Frogheart – -thanks for the clarification on labeling. Perhaps the reluctance to impose a regulatory framework stems from the somewhat realistic/cynical realization that the terms often used in labels are fair-to-middling incomprehensible much of the time. Industry is very good at obfuscation. One suspects that the “other means” the Lords (rather dryly) suggest might be used would probably include other means of communication, e.g. education, PR and so on. As you’ve mentioned elsewhere, it seems as though nano particles do occur in nature so a more interdisciplinary framework is called for and the ‘what’ of the nanotech in question matters more than the fact than the process of having included nano particles (or however one phrases it). In other words, if the product or food or what-have-you contains something that we suspect might be harmful, or mimics our own hormones (as Bisphonol A is said to do with estrogen) or might adversely affect immune function. That way, someone with allergies or asthma or rheumatoid arthritis, say, who already tends to have an over-active immune system might decide no, nano’s not for me. Just In Case. Problem of course, as with drugs and anything else, is deciding where that cut-off point is. Something that is safe for the majority might be harmful to a small minority – but if it is a A Good Thing, does it make sense for regulatory bodies to ‘deprive’ the rest of us as it were.

  2. admin

    Hi Inkbat, I think that you’ve touched on one of the key problems which is the obfuscation some of it deliberate, some of it a consequence of the failure to define to terms, and some of it due to the fact that we are still at a very early stage of development. As well, you point out that we’re still figuring out what causes problems with products that have been on the market for years. Thanks for dropping by.

  3. Pingback: Stephen Fry, Cambridge University, and nanotechnology « FrogHeart

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