Tag Archives: the European Committee for Standardization Technical Committee (CEN/TC) 352

Two European surveys on disposal practices for manufactured nano-objects

Lynn L. Bergeson’s Aug. 10, 2016 post on Nanotechnology Now announces two surveys (one for producers of nanoscale objects and one for waste disposal companies) being conducted by the European Commission,

Under European Commission (EC) funding, the European Committee for Standardization Technical Committee (CEN/TC) 352 — Nanotechnologies is developing guidelines relating to the safe waste management and disposal of deliberately manufactured nano-objects.

Tatiana Correia has written a July 15, 2016 description of the committee’s surveys for Innovate UK Network,

Under  the European Commission funding, CEN TC 352 European standardisation committee  are  developing guidelines relating to the safe waste management and  disposal of deliberately manufactured nano-objects. These are discrete pieces  of  material with one or more dimensions in the nanoscale(1). These may  also  be  referred  to  as  nanoparticles,  quantum  dots, nanofibres, nanotubes  and  nanoplates.  The  guidelines  will provide guidance for all waste  management  activities  from  the  manufacturing  and  processing of manufactured  nano-objects  (MNOs). In order to ensure that the context for this  document  is  correct,  it  is useful to gain an insight into current practice in the disposal of MNOs.

Here’s a link to the Questionnaire relating to current disposal practice for Manufactured Nano-objects in Waste – Companies manufacturing or processing manufactured nano-objects and to the Questionnaire relating to current disposal practice for Manufactured Nano-objects in Waste – Waste disposal companies.

The deadline for both surveys is Sept. 5, 2016.