It seems there are two studies that have been published about multiwalled, long carbon nanotubes having effects similar to asbestos on mice according to the International Council on Nanotechology’s backgrounder here. Short of looking up the articles in Nature Nanotechnology or the Journal of Toxicological Sciences, the briefing gives a pretty good description of the experimental methods used in each of the studies and some of the issues associated with each. For example, were there any possible contaminants and did they have any impact on the results? That’s the research process isn’t it? Testing an hyothesis, examining the results, and testing again as we add to the body of knowledge.
The study reported in Natural Nanotechnology is getting a lot of attention from different sectors, including the investment sector. According to the blog, 24/7 Wall St., the exchange-traded fund, PowerShares Lux Nanotech, experienced a dip shortly after the study was released.
It’s such early days yet, that’s it hard to know how to interpret any of this but it bears thinking about anyway, especially as I get ready to produce my nanotechnology wiki. (more about the wiki tomorrow)