FrogHeart’s 1000th post

I am astonished to realize that this is blog is approximately 3.5 years old. Thank you for dropping by to read, leave comments, and send emails to me directly.

I have no idea what the statistics were in the early days (i.e, April 2008 – January 2009) as I didn’t activate the software packages (AWstats and Webalizer) until after.

In February 2009 I had a total of 708 unique visitors. The next month (March 2009) I suffered a computer meltdown which meant being offline for weeks and losing a big chunk of my audience. I finally managed to reach 730 unique visitors for the month of May 2009. In May 2011 there were 12, 751 unique visitors to this blog.

The Canadian science blogging scene has expanded since I first started. (It’s possible that I’m doing a better job of finding my colleagues.) I will be updating my blog roll with more Canadian science bloggers soon. I hope one day we’ll have a network of Canadian science bloggers. In the meantime, I’m happy to have gotten to 1000 posts. Thank you all.

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