You have until April 21, 2023 *extended to May 5, 2023* to reply to the call for submissions to present at the 2023 Canadian Science Policy Conference (CSPC) being held from November 13 – 15, 2023 in in Ottawa, Canada. Here’s more about the conference, from the conference themes and topics webpage,
CSPC 2023 Themes & Topics:
Science and Innovation in a Time of Transformation
The 15th Canadian Science Policy Conference (CSPC 2023), will be held in person on November 13th – 15th, 2023. The conference expects 1000+ participants, more than 300 speakers, in 60 panel sessions. CSPC 2022 will also include a spectacular Gala dinner featuring its award ceremony which has become a signature annual event to celebrate Canadian science and innovation policy achievements.
We invite you to submit proposals in a variety of presentation formats that revolve around any of the conference topics. The conference tracks and topic can be found below
CSPC 2023 Overarching Theme:
Science and Innovation in a Time of Transformation
Track 1: Science and Policy
- The national STI [Science, technology, and innovation] ecosystem: Strategy for the next ten years; building on strengths and opportunities; addressing weaknesses
- Modernizing the federal research support system
- Strengthening Intergovernmental coordination and cooperation
- Learning from international experiences
- Assessing and fostering Canadian global leadership in STI
- Governance of Science, technology and innovation
- Managing the evolving/changing research landscape
- Inter- and trans-disciplinarity, co-production of knowledge, effective integration of all fields of knowledge and ways of knowing
- Science for social and economic objectives (including the UN SDGs)
- Research security
- Barriers and Opportunities in Open Science
- Braiding Indigenous and Western knowledge
- Optimizing benefits from national infrastructures, including data as infrastructure
- Equity, diversity, inclusion, and racism in science
- Evidence for policy
- Science advice for Parliament
- Best practices for bridging research and policy
- Standardization, quality and transparency
- The impact of ChatGPT
- Science policy futures
Track 2: Science and Society
- Public trust
- Mis- and disinformation
- Science communication in a post-truth era
- Diverse forms of knowledge and ways of knowing
- Science and social justice
- Social trust, cohesion, social innovation
- Systemic racism, otherism
- Science in support of democracy
- Science and Truth and Reconciliation
- Science policy and aging
- Science, technology and ethics
- Science and innovation: public education
Track 3: Innovation and Economic Development
- Canada’s Innovation strategy, 10 years outlook
- Innovation in government investments in R&D and innovation
- Regional development and innovation actions
- Global Innovation Clusters
- Digital challenges and strategy
- Emerging economic opportunities
- The conservation economy & the circular economy
- The blue economy
- Emerging and disruptive technologies
- AI, including Chat GPT
- Quantum
- Gene editing
- Ethical dimensions
- Sector policies and challenges
- Canadian Mineral Strategy
- Facilitating the energy transition, including transportation infrastructure
- Biomanufacturing capacity, security and competitiveness
- Cleantech
Track 4: Science, International Affairs and Security
- International STI agreements and Canada’s interest,
- Assessing and fostering Canadian global leadership in STI
Managing Canada’s approaches to emerging international industrial strategies and knowledge sharing - International opportunities, e.g.,
- Horizon Europe
- The Indo-Pacific strategy [emphases mine]
- International collaboration
- Large, concerted projects and major facilities
- Security and cyber security
- Foreign investment
- Science, technology, innovation in the context of geopolitical shifts
- Science diplomacy and geopolitics
Track 5: Science and The Next Generation
- Research training
- Revisiting the PhD
- The welfare of research trainees
- Fostering the next generation of science policy experts
- Career transitions
- Transitions between sectors in the science ecosystem
Track 6: Grand Challenges
- Climate change
- Mitigation and adaptation
- Informing climate change action with data
- Net Zero
- Water resources and conservation
- Nature-based solutions
- Healthcare
- Measuring healthcare outcomes
- Towards meaningful indicators of the health system
- Accessibility of health data
- Issues in sharing, using and reporting health data
- Pandemic preparedness
- One Health
- Zoonotic diseases
- Environmental Health
- Vector born diseases
- The North
- Permafrost – the next big challenge
- Science, security and Canada’s Arctic
- Food and agriculture
- Future of food
- A national food strategy?
- Food Safety
- Energy sovereignty
Nice to see interest in the Indo-Pacific region. Unsurprisingly given that these discussions are dominated by policy wonks from central and eastern Canada (heavily dominated by Ontario), Europe is mentioned first.
Regarding the call, I have more information from the CSPC 2023 Panel Proposal Criteria webpage, Note: I have made some formatting changes,
1.Submission type: There are two types of submissions;
a) Panel proposals (CSPC 2023 Overarching Theme, Tracks, and Topics)
80 minute panels (50 minute presentation, 30 minutes for Q&A session) where a diverse, multisectoral group discusses topics in science policy (see CSPC 2023 Overarching Theme, Tracks, and Topics)
b) Short talk proposals. (maximum 12 submissions will be accepted)
10 minute presentations (8 minute presentation, 2 minutes for Q&A session) that are intended to provide a brief overview of a topic in science policy.
Please read the criteria for each stream carefully before finalizing your submission.
2. Please review the CSPC 2023 Overarching Theme, Tracks, and Topics here.
3. CSPC 2023 will be an in-Person Conference: To participate in the in-person conference between Nov-13-15, 2023, at Westin Hotel Ottawa, Ontario, panelists must be present on-site. (In exceptional cases, we will try to accommodate virtual attendance for select speakers).
4. There is NO fee associated with proposal submission. However, CSPC is not responsible for speakers’ travel and accommodation costs. Speakers are entitled to register at a discounted rate.
5. Panel Diversity: CSPC is a national forum and mosaic that is built upon a balanced representation of diversity including region, sector, ethnicity, gender, age, and topic, in addition to seeking to provide under-represented groups an opportunity to present their ideas. These criteria will be heavily considered in the final selection of panels.
6. The Program Committee, alongside external reviewers from the community, will make selections based on the following criteria.
Proposals will be ranked based on the following high level criteria:
Panel Proposals (full description of criteria is below)
Quality of the proposed session: proposal description and justification (35%)
An action and/or solution-oriented focus, as opposed to a statement of the status quo of an issue (15%)
A diverse range of panelists (20%)
Quality of the speakers and moderator (15%)
Creativity in choice of panel format and its interactivity (15%)
Full Description of Criteria
1. Quality of the proposed session: proposal description and justification (35%)
The Quality of the session is evaluated on the panel description and justification:
Deep comprehension of the issue
Clear and compelling description of the panel and its novelty and importance to, and impact on, society
The value of the panel to be discussed at CSPC, in terms of follow ups, calls to action, policy change, etc.
Alignment with the Conference theme and topics
2. Incorporation of an action and/or solution-oriented focus, as opposed to a statement of the status quo of an issue (15%)
CSPC is seeking sessions that focus on solutions, forward actions and a futuristics analysis, rather than just a reiteration of the status quo.
Good luck!
*Change made on April 6, 2023. Newly extended date for submissions received via email in an April 6, 2023 Canadian Science Policy Centre announcement.*