2 thoughts on “PCAST meeting; auditory nanotechnology; risk and trust; science in society; NDP introduces nanotechnology legislation

  1. inkbat

    hey frogheart – was interested in the whole notion of trust and risk … what’s important to remember as well, I think, is just how quickly trust can be lost. People trust government or corporations or whomever – but if there is even one disaster, one accident, one problem that trust is gone and is rebuilt very very gradually. I suppose in a way as we are seeing in the discussion of Toyota at present. But particularly with ’emerging’ sciences such as nonotechnology, the public (I think) rather vaguely assumes that ‘they’ will protect us .. until they don’t.
    We saw this with the ‘mad cow’ disease in the UK and so on and I suspect the whole H1N1 thing in a way worked in the inverse. If that made sense.

  2. admin

    Hi Inkbat, interesting point about trusting…until you don’t….it suggests to me that there’s more than one kind of trust…a lot of what we call trust is actually convenience…it’s easier and takes less time to assume that things will turn out ok…it’s very easy to shake or lose that type of trust…but I think there’s also the stuff you develop over time and while you can test that eventually it can be re-established…you mention Toyota…certainly they’ll have trouble in the short term…people have been shaken but if they have a good history and are sincere about their efforts they stand a good chance of regaining and possibly even enjoying more trust in the future…to restate and since I’m doing this on the fly I reserve the right to refine this, we have at least two levels/kinds of trust…the easy, day-to-day kind and a more substantive kind, both of which are operational at the same time…the first kind can be destroyed/shaken quite easily but the second kind (if it’s been developed) will come into play over the longer term….I think tht needs some work but hopefully you get where I’m heading…thanks for responding….

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