Tag Archives: Anti-Racist Science from Cell to Society: Real Solutions for Real Issues

Canadian Science Policy Conference 2021: early bird fees and preliminary programme

The 2021 Canadian Science Policy Conference (CSPC 2021) is the 13th in the annual series and runs virtually from November 22 – 26 (including pre-conference events, CSPC runs from Nov. 8 -26). Early bird registration rates are available until midnight (presumably ET) October 8, 2021,

Standard $150
Academic $120
Non-Profit / Retired / Diplomat $99
Student / Postdoctoral Fellow / Trainee $40
+ 13% HST

I have never seen diplomats singled out for cheaper rates before. Are they paid especially poorly?

As for the programme, it’s not fully populated at the moment but a few items did catch my attention,

Monday, November 22 • 8:30am – 10:00am

Societal impacts of emerging quantum technologies: which scenarios should we consider now?

Organized by: Université de Sherbrooke / Institut quantique

A multisectorial and multidisciplinary approach to quantum science is essential in Canada to address the emergence of new disruptive quantum technologies and their potential commercial applications. These technologies will have significant ethical, environmental, economic, social and legal implications that need to be explored in the early stages of their development in order to foster socially responsible development. This panel brings together experts from various backgrounds (academic, business and government sectors) and the public to discuss the socio-economic dimensions of quantum technologies, starting from different implementation scenarios, to ensure their responsible development and to maximize benefits of their implementation.

Monday, November 22 • 8:30am – 10:30am

Evidence-based policies to build the future of agriculture in Canada / Des politiques et des données probantes pour bâtir l’agriculture canadienne de demain

Organized by: Fonds de recherche du Québec

Agriculture has a considerable impact on population health and the economy, both interms of production methods and the quality and accessibility of the food it produces. It is for this reason, among others, that this sector is involved in the achievement of several sustainable development goals. In recent years, the Government of Canada and provincial governments have worked in collaboration with the research community to build policies and strategies to stimulate innovation in agriculture and food processing from a sustainable perspective. In this panel, we will discuss how Agriculture Canada and the Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ) have integrated research and development into their policies, and how they have established strategic inter-jurisdictional collaborations. For example, we will discuss strategic investments by Canada and Québec in precision agriculture and in research aimed at improving diagnostic and biovigilance capabilities.

L’agriculture a un impact considérable sur la santé des populations et des économies, tant par ses modes de production que par la qualité et l’accessibilité des aliments qu’elle produit. C’est pour cette raison, entre autres, que ce secteur se voit interpellé dans l’atteinte de plusieurs objectifs de développement durable. Ces dernières années, le gouvernement du Canada et les gouvernements provinciaux ont travaillé en collaboration avec le milieu de la recherche pour bâtir des politiques et stratégies stimulant l’innovation en agriculture et en transformation alimentaire, dans une perspective durable. À l’occasion de ce panel, nous aborderons comment Agriculture Canada et le ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ) ont intégré la dimension de recherche et de développement dans leurs politiques, et comment ils ont établi des collaborations stratégiques inter-juridictionnelles. A titre d’exemple, on abordera l’investissement stratégique du Canada et du Québec dans l’agriculture de précision et dans les recherches visant à améliorer les capacités de diagnostic et de biovigilance.

Monday, November 22 • 10:30am – 12:00pm

How Science Diplomats can help foster prosperity and growth in the post-COVID-19 world: an exploration of the Canada/Québec-UK nexus

Organized by: Québec Government Office in London

Co-organised by the Government of Québec and the UK’s Science and Innovation Network, this panel aims to reflect on the crucial role of science attachés in steering and strengthening bilateral collaboration while also addressing how their role changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ensuring growth and equitable recovery in the post-pandemic world is paramount with science diplomats unlocking cooperation platforms between scientists, diplomats, policymakers and entrepreneurs based on innovation and values-led strategies. Representatives from UK Research and Innovation, industry and scholars will also discuss their changing expectations and how science attachés can help them seize new opportunities.

Wednesday, November 24 • 2:30pm – 4:00pm

Anti-Racist Science, from Cell to Society: Real Solutions for Real Issues

Organized by: Health Canada

Three Panelists will share diverse perspectives on the sensitive and ubiquitous topic of systemic racism, in multiple aspects of different scientific disciplines. In a dynamic exchange, the Moderator will guide the audience through an evidence-based journey on how racially biased science can be addressed, in ways science is practiced, managed, and consumed. As it often happens in science, naming problems might be unsettling, yet should lead to a healthy introspection towards improvement. The discussion aims to show that, individually and collectively, we can prevent and correct race-based bias by sticking to fundamental scientific principles. Essentially: anti-racist science is better science. 

You can check out the programme for CSPC 2021: Building Better Forward here.

Isn’t the conference theme a little too much like US President Joe Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ theme?