Tag Archives: awards

New award for science blogging

I found this 3 Quarks Daily announcement for their new annual blog prizes on Andrew Maynard’s 2020 Science blog. There will be four prizes awarded annually at the Equinoxes and the Solstices in the categories of science (Summer Solstice); arts and literature(Fall Equinox); politics (Winter Solstice), and philosophy (Spring Equinox). Accordingly, the first category to be opened for nominations is Science. So be quick as the Summer Solstice is coming up in a few weeks and the deadlines are approaching. The contest information is here on 3 Quarks Daily.

It is necessary to nominate a specific posting and Andrew Maynard notes some of favourite posts of his own work here as suggestions. Other scinece blogs I like are Richard Jones’s Soft Machines and Rob Annan’s work on Don’t leave Canada behind (although Annan comments on policy and funding, which might fit better in the politics category…well, I leave that up to the adjudicators).