Tag Archives: civil discourse

Respectful communication cuts both ways

Yesterday in my Masterly science communication—treating your opponent with respect post, I talked about ‘expert/institutionally authoritative’ groups heaping scorn on their opponents, today I’m going to focus on scorn going in the other direction, i. e., scorn being heaped on experts/institutional authorities. I found an example of this in Slate magazine in a piece by Jim Thomas, from his article, The Sins of Syn Bio: How synthetic biology will bring us cheaper plastics by ruining the poorest nations on Earth,

Here’s a grim prediction to chew on. This biotech craze dubbed “synthetic biology”—where hipster geeks design quirky life-forms: That technology is going to wind up costing lives—likely a lot of them. I’m not suggesting a direct kill by rogue viruses. These will be economic deaths. The dead will not be noteworthy: farmers, pastoralists, and forest dwellers who live in poor nations that depend on plant commodities.

Generally, writers have nothing to do with the  headlines for their articles so I won’t lay that ‘sin’ at the writer’s door (I admit it’s not a great pun). Let’s start with the second sentence where we’re introduced to the “biotech craze” which is synthetic biology, followed by “hipster geeks,” presumably scientists, with “quirky life-forms” close behind, and, finally we’re informed “That technology is going to wind up costing lives,” probably lots of them.

That’s a lot of scorn and derision and it’s followed by a dire prediction of death, all in the same sentence. We’re given a respite of sorts in the next few sentences and then the coup de grâce in the final one. The deaths, we’re told, are not “noteworthy” and, by implication, the “hipster geeks” are condemned as casual murderers.

The writer is a member of The ETC Group, a civil society group, that publishes lot of valuable information and research, unfortunately couched in precisely this fashion. The article is publicizing the Future Tense event that I mentioned in my Mon., Jan. 31, 2011 posting, Can governments keep pace with science and technology? Given the two articles I’ve seen (the first one was by Robert J. Sawyer, a science fiction writer), I imagine discussion will be lively.

There is an argument to be made that groups perceived as less powerful, e.g. civil society organizations such as The ETC Group as opposed to a government agency such as Environment Canada, must provoke the institutions they want to change. This leads me to sometimes wonder if The ETC Group is more moderate/respectful in its ‘behind closed doors’ and/or face-to-face discussions than it is in its publications and articles (the ones I’ve read).

In any event, the scorn goes in both directions and I’m inclined to think that it’s used too freely, i.e. constantly, as a weapon. With regard to the astrology/astronomy discourse mentioned yesterday, it is possible to disagree about astrology’s merits without deriding astrologers. As for the strategy used by The ETC Group (a handy example, there are many others doing precisely the same thing), the discussion is couched in a fashion I find relentlessly rude and, ultimately, tiresome. Too many use this approach with the consequence that many are retreating. I point to Canada’s historically low voter turnouts in the last few elections as proof of the Canadian public’s weariness with the current tone of public discourse. (I believe this phenomenon of low voter turnouts has been observed elsewhere as well and attributed to the same cause.)

Masterly science communication—treating your opponent with respect

There are many, many debates to be had about science, not least the debate about how one engages with individuals deemed to be practicing what has been called a ‘pseudo science’, in this case, astrology.  My focus here is on a response to how the debate was conducted and not on the merits of the arguments.

There was a recent kerfuffle about the cosmos shifting around so that the original 12 astrological signs in the zodiac of Western astrology were being displaced by the emergence of a 13th sign. You can read more about the announcement, which was made by astronomer (you read that correctly), Parke Kunkle, in the Jan. 13, 2011 news item in the Huffington Post.

At roughly the same time, there was a ruckus in the UK between astrologers and two astronomers who appear as presenters (hosts) of a BBC programme called, Stargazing. Astrologers were distressed by comments the presenters made about astrology and they wrote up a petition, which occasioned derision.

Apparently, the announcement and the ‘petition’ ruckus provided excuses for scientists, science writers, and science fans to heap scorn on and ridicule astrologers and the ‘pseudo science’ of astrology. It’s the same scornful attitude that proponents of emerging technologies often heap on individuals who are expressing an opinion or an idea usually based on fear about possible consequences.

One of the best responses I’ve seen to this ‘style’ of public debate is a Jan. 28, 2011 posting on Martin Robbins’ The Lay Scientist blog (one of the Guardian Science blogs). I’ve excerpted a few bits by  guest writer,Dr. Rebekah Higgitt, she’s responding to the astrologers’ BBC petition,

Like Martin, I heard about the astrologers’ petition to the BBC and blogged about it, together with another astrology-related story that recently hit the headlines. Unlike him, I was critical of the knee-jerk response of many scientists, science writers and fans of science. I also had some quibbles about his post, so I’d like to start by thanking him for hosting this – and, before you leap to the comments section, making it clear that I do not believe in astrology. However, I do believe that a little knowledge and understanding can help the cause of science communication far more than ridicule.

As is well known to readers of The Lay Scientist, the Astrological Association, prompted by remarks made by Brian Cox and Dara O’Briain, has asked for “fair and balanced representation” (note, not “equal representation”). This has resulted in widespread derision from those who can see nothing wrong with stating that “astrology is rubbish” and “nonsense”. Most, however, have failed to understand exactly what has annoyed these astrologers, or to take the time to find out what astrology actually is. [emphasis mine]

Note her emphasis on finding and understanding the basis of your ‘opponent’s’ ideas.

The Astrological Association is not complaining about a statement such as this. Rather, they consider it unfair that they are represented as having no knowledge of the astronomy and celestial mechanics that Cox and O’Briain are paid to explain on TV. They are annoyed that astrology is considered to consist solely of those who read and write newspaper horoscopes. Serious astrologers often have an excellent understanding of, and respect for, astronomy. [emphasis mine] They are, in fact, a not insignificant audience for astronomy programmes, lectures and books. This is why, as I explained in my earlier post, stories about “changing zodiac signs” and the “13th sign” Ophiucus do no one any favours. While Parke Kunkle’s “revelation” might confuse those with little knowledge of astrology or astronomy, it comes as no surprise to anyone else. The effect of precession has been understood for centuries, and practising astrologers are more than capable of dealing with this recurrent attack.

Which brings me to the history: a little historical understanding should make astronomers and science communicators realise that practising astrologers are likely to have good knowledge of planetary motions. Up until the late 17th century, astrology and astronomy were deeply interconnected. Since then there has been a parting of ways, but astrologers have continued to make use of accurate astronomical data. Astrology is not so much the father of positional astronomy and celestial mechanics as its client, patron and midwife.

Higgitt doesn’t believe in astrology (as she notes) but she extends a level of respect and courtesy that I have too rarely seen in discussions where a socially-defined expert group is effectively dismissing or accusing the other of being uninformed and/or superstitious and ridiculing them for their foolish beliefs and/or fears. By the way, Higgitt is Curator of History of Science and Technology, National Maritime Museum and Royal Observatory, Greenwich.