I received, via email, a January 24, 2025 Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (Waterloo, Ontario) to get free, advance tickets to attend Dr. Carlo Rovelli’s “Come with me Inside a Black Hole” talk on February 5, 2025, here’s the whole announcement,
Come with me Inside a Black Hole
Dr. Carlo Rovelli
Wednesday, February 5 [2025] at 7:00 pm ET
Join us for a lecture with Dr. Carlo Rovelli, a renowned theoretical physicist and co-founder of Loop Quantum Gravity.
He will guide listeners on a trip towards and into a Black Hole, illustrating what we know and do not know about these funny things. Dr. Carlo Rovelli will then show how we might get out of the black hole via a white hole if the theory on which he works, based on Loop Quantum Gravity, is correct. This trip will illustrate what it is for him to do science, using imagination, visualization, and creativity, besides cold math and logic.
Don’t miss out! Free tickets to attend this event in person will become available on Monday, January 27, [2025] at 9 am ET.
If you didn’t get tickets for the lecture, not to worry – you can always catch the livestream on our website or watch it on YouTube after the fact.
I’ve got some more information from the Eventbrite registration page for “Come with me Inside a Black Hole”,
About this event
White holes, black holes, and what we do when we do science.
I will guide listeners on a trip towards and into a Black Hole, illustrating what we know and what we do not know about these funny things. I will then show how we might then get out of the black hole, via a white hole, if the theory on which I work, based on Loop Quantum Gravity, is correct. This trip will illustrate what it is for me to do science, using imagination, visualization, and creativity, besides cold math and logic.
About the Speaker:
Dr. Carlo Rovelli is a theoretical physicist, and one of the founders of Loop Quantum Gravity. In 2019 he promoted the Peace Dividend Initiative, involving 60 Nobel Laureates in asking for a worldwide collaborative military expenses reduction. He has been included in the 2019 list of the 100 most influential “Global Thinkers” by Foreign Policy magazine and in the 2021 list of The World’s 50 Top Thinkers by Prospect magazine. He has written global best sellers translated in more than 40 languages. Among his awards are the 1996 Xanthopoulos Award for “the best relativist under forty” and the 2024 Lewis Thomas Prize for Writing About Science. He is affiliated to the University of Aix-Marseille, the philosophy department of the Western Ontario University, the Perimeter Institute and the Santa Fe Institute for Complexity, member of the Institute Universitaire de France, honorary professor of the Beijing Normal University, Honoris Causa Laureate of the Universidad de San Martin, Buenos Aires, member of the Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences.