Tag Archives: Romance of the Ants

Myrmecological comic book: Romance of the Ants

There’s a great article (Serious Science, Comic-Book Style) by Catherine Clabby in American Scientist about an exhibit at Chicago’s Field Museum of Natural History that combines graphic novel/comic book storytelling and the science of entomology, The Romance of Ants. From the article,

When I [scientist Corrie Moreau] was first approached about the exhibit I was very interested in sharing my science. When I learned that the team planned to tell much of the story using a graphic novel format, I was caught a bit off guard. I am quite comfortable sharing my science, but initially felt a bit uncomfortable about the exhibit being about my journey. In the end it became as much about my journey as it was about highlighting the amazing insects I work on and my scientific research.

I’ve [the artist Alexandra Westrich] been a committed enthusiast of both nature and art since childhood. While a student at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, I favored science electives such as “The Insect World” and “Animal Behavior” over studio classes. This was when I started to seriously consider applying my artistic abilities to the sciences, first through very basic avenues such as scientific illustration, but gradually extending to alternative media (such as comics and “zines”) that could appeal to a wider audience.

Here’s an image from the show,

Romance of Ants (image dowloaded from American Scientist)

You can find out more about the Romance of Ants here, there’s a slide show here, and a PDF of the Romance of the Ants graphic novel here.