Whose electric brain? (2011) which morphed into Zombies, brains, collapsing boundaries, and entanglements (2012)
Thank you to everyone who contributed to my dream of presenting my paper, Whose electric brain?, at the 2011 International Symposium on Electronic Arts in Istanbul. I am stunned by your generosity. ETA Jan. 16, 2014: I never did get to the Istanbul conference but this money and some additional funds did get me to the University of Twente, Netherlands to present at the 4th annual S.NET (Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies) conference in October 2012. After that, my conference paper was published in the Fall of 2013 as part of the conference proceedings.
The gifters who reached out to increase my DreamBank account for the 2011 conference in Istanbul.
Luinda Bleackley (who also provided clarity to my confused descriptions of the work)
Teresa McDowell (who gently suggested alternative ways of reaching out to possible supporters)
Zoey Ryan ( a stranger no more through her kind act of giving)
Helen Dewar (who continually reaches out to help in a fashion that can only be described as superhuman)
Debora Gordon (who insisted on supporting me while managing an extraordinary and challenging list of life roles with grace)
Doug Setter (who never quits no matter what)
Thanks for those who offered moral support and suggestions online and offline,
Shelley Harris, Sojourn Coaching Inc. (outstanding and rock solid support)
Victor Jones (generous with his contacts and suggestions)
Preview: The Gallery Guide (did beautiful things for my graphic image)
Colin Milburn (thought-provoking feedback and encouragement on my paper)
The Tweeters who magnified my reach by at least 1000%:
Ruth Seeley (@ruthseeley)
Ahmet Yükseltürk (@nanoturkiye)
Baba Brinkman (@bababrinkman)
Raincoaster (@raincoaster)
Tod Maffin (@todmaffin)
I am deeply appreciative for the heartfelt good wishes and support from:
Susan Baxter (who’s supported me and my work magnificently for over 15 years)
Marianne Schedler (kind emails)
Kathleen Halme (humourous emails)
Debbie Douez (enthusiastic emails)
Tim Meyer (gracious emails)
And anyone else (remind me & I’ll add you to the list) who offered me good wishes, feedback, and support.
The image at the top of this page was the one I chose to represent Whose electric brain? Image attribution: Dr. Steven Finkbeiner, Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease, The Taube-Koret Center for Huntington’s Disease Research, and the University of California San Francisco.
2012 conference support
In addition to the funds originally raised for the 2011 conference in Istanbul, I received additional support for which I am deeply grateful from:
Travel grant (US National Science Foundation) courtesy of the University of California at Santa Barbara Center for Nanotechnology in Society. Special thanks to Valerie Kuan at UCSB.
Canadian Academy of Independent Scholars/Simon Fraser University
Colin Milburn thanks again for shepherding my paper through the peer review process (and my anonymous reviewer).
Special thanks to Kornelia Konrad and Marcia Clifford at the University of Twente.