Category Archives: nanotechnology

A nanofibrous cellulose matrix made from recycled cellulose for applications ranging from textiles to medical devices

Lithuanian scientists have devised a recycling method for cellulose, which could lead to less dependency on petroleum-based polymer products according to an October 30, 2024 news item on ScienceDaily,

The efficient use of cellulose — the primary plant scaffold and a major natural building block — could address many issues associated with petroleum-based polymers across various industries. In the search for more sustainable uses of cellulose, Lithuanian scientists have developed a production method for a nanofibrous cellulose matrix, which has the potential to replace non-renewable industrial even in biomedical applications.

Textile, clothing, toys, and sports equipment made from synthetic petroleum-based materials have a significant negative impact on the environment through their entire life cycle, from production to waste management.

Scientists argue that it is necessary to replace petroleum-based materials with environmentally friendly materials and to demonstrate to consumers that products that have been in use for many years can be replaced while retaining their effectiveness. According to Ingrida Pauliukaitytė, a PhD student at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) and one of the creators of the new environmentally friendly cellulose nanofibre, the invention is a step towards a more sustainable industry.

An October 30,2024 Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) press release (also on EurekAlert), which originated the news item, describes a unique production method, Note: Links have been removed,

Cellulose is the Earth’s most abundant and widespread natural polysaccharide, commonly found in plant cell walls, algae or synthesised by certain bacteria. “I chose cellulose as a research object because of its natural origin and favourable properties: its biocompatibility and degradability, variety of chemical strains, and wide range of applications,” says the inventor.

The invention was developed using the wet-type electrospinning method, whereby cellulose is dissolved in special solvents – ionic liquids – and the solution is then converted into fibres. “This is a method that allows the creation of cellulose matrices with a unique gel-like structure, similar to cellulose fibres naturally synthesised by bacteria,” says the PhD student at the KTU Faculty of Chemical Technology (CTF).

This method of creating cellulose has an advantage in the market due to its environmental friendliness. In particular, the dissolution method used is more environmentally friendly due to the use of “green solvents”.

Also, the raw material for this production process can be either raw cellulose or cellulose waste. Depending on the purity of the material, the resulting fibre can be used for different products. The recycled cellulose can be used to produce new polymer composite products such as toys, sports equipment, household items. If the raw material is pure plant cellulose, biomedical applications have great potential, where this type of nanofibrous structure has unique biocompatibility properties.

A significant boost for cancer research

“Our invention – a nanofibrous cellulose matrix – is like a scaffold, a structural support that helps cells to divide and grow,” explains Pauliukaitytė.

The biocompatibility mentioned by KTU scientist Pauliukaitytė is very important in tissue engineering to avoid the living organism’s immune response to a material used for cell reproduction other than the one naturally synthesised by the organism.

“In addition, cellulose has very favourable mechanical properties, so that the fibres developed are strong and can withstand the high stresses that arise when cells proliferate. Since cellulose absorbs water, the use of cellulose fibres in wound healing can control the amount of moisture that occurs during the healing process,” says Pauliukaitytė.

So far, the applicability of cellulose in tissue engineering has been tested for the reconstruction of cartilage, bone and vascular structures. However, given the biocompatibility, structural and moisture retention properties of cellulose, this polymer has great potential for use in regenerative medicine, which aims to stimulate the body’s natural recovery mechanisms and restore lost biological functions, and for organ growth.

In addition, the cellulose nanofibres developed are not only biocompatible and environmentally friendly, but also have the potential to form three-dimensional (3D) cell models that better reflect cell behaviour in the natural environment. “This is a significant advantage, especially in tissue engineering and cancer research, as 3D cultures allow for more precise experiments and a better understanding of cell growth and interactions,” says Pauliukaitytė.

Here’s a link to and a citation for the paper,

Regenerated nanofibrous cellulose electrospun from ionic liquid: Tuning properties toward tissue engineering by Ingrida Pauliukaitytė, Darius Čiužas, Edvinas Krugly, Odeta Baniukaitienė, Mindaugas Bulota, Vilma Petrikaitė, Dainius Martuzevičius. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research DOI: First published: 19 September 2024

This paper is behind a paywall.

Improving cardiology imaging with gold nanoparticles

Courtesy: University of Ottawa

An October 28, 2024 news item on announces a breakthrough in cardiac imaging, Note: A link has been removed,

Researchers at the University of Ottawa have made a breakthrough in heart disease diagnostics. They have developed a new type of contrast agent for a medical imaging technique called intravascular optical coherence tomography (IV-OCT). This new agent, made from gold superclusters (AuSC), could improve doctors’ ability to diagnose heart conditions.

The research team, led by Adam J. Shuhendler, Associate Professor at uOttawa’s Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences, created these gold superclusters to work with the near-infrared light used in IV-OCT. These superclusters are made of tightly packed gold nanoparticles, which enhance the light scattering needed for clearer imaging. The study, titled “NIR-II Scattering Gold Superclusters for Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography Molecular Imaging,” is published in Nature Nanotechnology.

An October 29, 204 University of Ottawa news release (also on EurekAlert) by Bernard Rizk, which originated the news item, offers a few more details,

“We’ve found a simple and quick way to produce these gold superclusters,” says Shuhendler. “We can also adjust them to make them perfect for improving IV-OCT imaging.”

The team coated the gold superclusters with a special polymer to stabilize them and allow targeting molecules to be attached.

This study focused on P-selectin, a marker of blood vessel inflammation. The new contrast agent, named AuSC@(13FS)2, showed strong binding to P-selectin in lab tests and improved IV-OCT imaging in rats with inflamed blood vessels.

One major benefit of this new agent is that it can provide detailed molecular information without changing the existing IV-OCT procedures used in clinics. The researchers found that when AuSC@(13FS)2 bound to inflamed blood vessels, it created distinct reflections in the IV-OCT images, similar to those seen with stents.

“Our new contrast agent could lead to more personalized heart disease treatments,” explains Shuhendler. “This technology might help doctors detect heart diseases earlier and assess the risk more accurately by providing detailed information about the blood vessels.”

The study also showed a direct link between the amount of P-selectin and the number of reflections seen in the images, suggesting that this method could measure the severity of inflammation.

This research is a big step forward in heart disease imaging and diagnostics. By enabling detailed imaging with IV-OCT, it offers new opportunities for early detection and personalized treatment of heart conditions.

Here’s a link to and a citation for the paper,

NIR-II scattering gold superclusters for intravascular optical coherence tomography molecular imaging by Nicholas D. Calvert, Joshua Baxter, Aidan A. Torrens, Jesse Thompson, Alexia Kirby, Jaspreet Walia, Spyridon Ntais, Eva Hemmer, Pierre Berini, Benjamin Hibbert, Lora Ramunno & Adam J. Shuhendler. Nature Nanotechnology (2024) DOI: Published: 28 October 2024

The paper is behind a paywall.

Miniature, soft lithium-ion battery constructed from biocompatible hydrogel droplets for bio-integrated devices

The original headline for the University of Oxford press release was “Batteries for miniature bio-integrated devices and robotics” but it’s not clear to me what they mean by robotics (soft robots? robotic prostheses? something else?).

An October 25, 2024 news item on ScienceDaily announces the research,

University of Oxford researchers have made a significant step towards realising miniature, soft batteries for use in a variety of biomedical applications, including the defibrillation and pacing of heart tissues. The work has been published today [October 25, 2024] in the journal Nature Chemical Engineering.

An October 28, 2024 University of Oxford press release (also on EurekAlert but published October 25, 2024), which originated the lightly edited news item and posting on EurekAlert, provides more technical detail about this advance, Note: Links have been removed,

The development of tiny smart devices, smaller than a few cubic millimeters, demands equally small power sources. For minimally invasive biomedical devices that interact with biological tissues, these power sources must be fabricated from soft materials. Ideally, these should also have features such as high capacity, biocompatibility and biodegradability, triggerable activation, and the ability to be controlled remotely. To date, there has been no battery that can fulfil these requirements all at once.

To address these requirements, researchers from the University of Oxford’s Department of Chemistry and Department of Pharmacology have developed a miniature, soft lithium-ion battery constructed from biocompatible hydrogel droplets. Surfactant-supported assembly (assembly aided by soap-like molecules), a technique reported by the same group last year in the journal Nature (DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06295-y), is used to connect three microscale droplets of 10 nanolitres volume. Different lithium-ion particles contained in each of the two ends then generate the output energy.

‘Our droplet battery is light-activated, rechargeable, and biodegradable after use. To date, it is the smallest hydrogel lithium-ion battery and has a superior energy density’ said Dr Yujia Zhang (Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford), the lead researcher for the study and a starting Assistant Professor at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. ‘We used the droplet battery to power the movement of charged molecules between synthetic cells and to control the beating and defibrillation of mouse hearts. By including magnetic particles to control movement, the battery can also function as a mobile energy carrier.’

Proof-of-concept heart treatments were carried out in the laboratory of Professor Ming Lei (Department of Pharmacology), a senior electrophysiologist in cardiac arrhythmias. He said: ‘Cardiac arrhythmia is a leading cause of death worldwide. Our proof-of-concept application in animal models demonstrates an exciting new avenue of wireless and biodegradable devices for the management of arrhythmias.’

Professor Hagan Bayley (Department of Chemistry), the research group leader for the study, said: ‘The tiny soft lithium-ion battery is the most sophisticated in a series of microscale power packs developed by Dr Zhang and points to a fantastic future for biocompatible electronic devices that can operate under physiological conditions.’

The researchers have filed a patent application through Oxford University Innovation. They envisage that the tiny versatile battery, particularly relevant to small-scale robots for bioapplications, will open up new possibilities in various areas including clinical medicine.

Here’s a link to and a citation for the paper,

A microscale soft lithium-ion battery for tissue stimulation by Yujia Zhang, Tianyi Sun, Xingyun Yang, Linna Zhou, Cheryl M. J. Tan, Ming Lei & Hagan Bayley. Nature Chemical Engineering volume 1, pages 691–701 (2024) DOI: Published online: 25 October 2024 Issue Date: November 2024

This paper is open access.

Now, I want to highlight a few items from the paper’s introduction, Note: Links have been removed,

The miniaturization of electronic devices is a burgeoning area of research1,2,3. Therefore, the development of tiny batteries to power these devices is of critical importance, and techniques such as three-dimensional (3D) printing4,5,6 and micro-origami assembly7 [emphases mine] are beginning to have an impact. For minimally invasive applications in biomedicine, batteries are also preferred to be soft, biocompatible and biodegradable, with additional functionality and responsiveness, such as triggerable activation and remote-controlled mobility8. However, at present, such a multifunctional microscale soft battery is not available. Although hydrogel-based lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries demonstrate some of these features9,10,11,12, none currently exhibits microscale fabrication of the battery architecture, in terms of self-assembled integration of hydrogel-based cathode, separator and anode at the submillimeter level. Manual assembly of precrosslinked compartments11 or multistep deposition and crosslinking4 is necessary to avoid the mixing of materials from different compartments at the pregel (liquid) state or during the gelation process. This limitation not only makes it difficult to shrink hydrogel-based functional architectures but also hinders the implementation of high-density energy storage.

Toward that end, Zhang et al. have reported a miniaturized ionic power source by depositing lipid-supported networks of nanoliter hydrogel droplets13. The power source mimics the electrical eel [emphasis mine] by using internal ion gradients to generate ionic current14, and can induce neuronal modulation. However, the ionic power source has several limitations [emphasis mine] that should be addressed. First, the stored salt gradient produces less power than conventional Li-ion batteries, and the device cannot be fully recharged. Second, activation of the power source relies on temperature-triggered gelation and oil for buffer exchange, which is a demanding requirement. Third, the functionality of the power source is limited to the generation of ionic output, leaving the full versatility of synthetic tissues unexploited15,16,17. Last, but not least, while the power source can modulate the activity of neural microtissues, organ-level stimulation necessitates a higher and more stable output performance in physiological environments18.

Here, we present a miniature, soft, rechargeable Li-ion droplet battery (LiDB) made by depositing self-assembling [emphasis mine], nanoliter, lipid-supported, silk hydrogel droplets. The tiny hydrogel compartmentalization produces a superior energy density. The battery is switched on by ultraviolet (UV) light, which crosslinks the hydrogel and breaks the lipid barrier between droplets. The droplets are soft, biocompatible and biodegradable. The LiDBs can power charge molecule translocation between synthetic cells, defibrillate mouse hearts with ventricular arrhythmias and pace heart rhythms. Further, the LiDB can be translocated from one site to another magnetically.

This team has integrated a number of cutting edge (I think you can still call them that) techniques such as 3D printing and origami along with inspiration from electric eels (biomimicry) for using light as a power source. .Finally, there’s self-assembly or, as it’s sometimes known, bottom-up engineering, just like nature.

This work still needs to be tested in human clinical trials but taking that into account: Bravo to the researchers!

Graphene coatings in Malaysia

This October 28, 2024 article by Kiran Jacob for The Edge Malaysia is designed to boost businesses but, happily, it also provides some insight into how graphene is being commercialized in Malaysia,

This article first appeared in Digital Edge, The Edge Malaysia Weekly on October 28, 2024 – November 3, 2024

Ominent Sdn Bhd, through its flagship brand IGL Coatings, offers a seemingly straightforward product: cleaning, maintenance and protection solutions for automotive, marine and industrial coatings. But to founder Keong Chun Chieh, it is more than just the provider of a line of functional surface treatments; it’s a tech company. The secret? Nanotechnology and graphene.

What may appear as mere coatings are, in fact, intricate formulations engineered at the molecular level, designed to enhance durability, hydrophobicity and protection, says Keong. This makes the coatings more robust against physical wear and tear, and reduces their permeability to water, oxygen and other gases by filling microscopic voids and creating more impermeable surfaces.

“[Through nanotechnology], a surface that mimics a lotus leaf [is created], which is highly hydrophobic, results in a coating that repels water and dirt, and maintains a clean surface with minimal maintenance,” he says.

All these protect the coating — and the surface it is applied onto — from chemicals, corrosion, ultraviolet radiation and environmental degradation.

While its products can be applied to automotive, industrial and maritime coatings, Keong considers automotive coatings as a low-hanging fruit. This is why 70% of the company’s revenue comes from this sector.

Meanwhile, the main focus of the industrial sector — a market that is rapidly growing for IGL Coatings — is anti-corrosion coatings to prevent rust. The corrosion damages infrastructure and equipment that can lead to sudden failures such as building collapses.

Existing anti-corrosion coatings hinder any early detection of the deterioration. “[The products] that are in the market, are not supposed to rust, but you can’t see whether the rust is happening at the bottom [of the coating],” he says.

“When you visually can see it, it means that it is severely rusted and has cracked the coating and painting on the top.”

A transparent corrosion system enables early detection and repair, which then extends the lifespan of the asset and reduces the need for replacement, says Keong. Moreover, the utilisation of nanotechnology involving titanium dioxide, carbon nanotubes and diamond particles aids in achieving a structured surface at the nanoscale.

“The uniform dispersion optimises the surface energy and texture, which significantly enhances water repellency. The created nanostructure helps in forming a consistent and effective barrier against moisture,” he explains.

The incorporation of functionalised graphene improves the overall properties of the coating, adds Keong. “Graphene is an additive that supercharges some of the behaviour that I need.”

A sophisticated dispersion method is employed to ensure that graphene nanoplatelets and functionalised graphene, such as hydroxyl and carboxyl, are evenly distributed within the coating matrix.

“The hydroxyl and carboxyl groups facilitate better integration within the coating matrix, enhancing the coating’s strength, flexibility and resistance to environmental factors,” he says.

The incorporation of carbon dots into IGL Coatings’ formulations is also in the works. Carbon dots, a type of carbon-nano material composed of discrete and quasi-spherical nanoparticles, have several advantages. These include low cytotoxicity, good biocompatibility, stable chemical inertness, efficient light harvesting and outstanding photo-induced electron transfer.

IGL Coatings, which has over 40 automotive coating products, has an existing network of 5,000 installers in the automotive sector that it leverages to market its industrial solutions, says Keong. Installers who are familiar with the brand are then able to recommend the industrial coatings to their existing customers.

Its customers in this area include those in the mining, theme park and fishing industries. The application for the coatings include for buildings, material handling equipment, roofs, pillars and undercarriages of vehicles.

Keong aims to optimise existing technologies and reduce their environmental impact. For instance, the company has a high solids, zero volatile organic compounds solution to prevent battery corrosion in electric vehicles. It also has a coating for solar panels to reduce cleaning frequency and increase energy collection.

IGL Coatings has expanded to over 50 countries with a broad range of products in the automotive, marine and industrial sectors.

The company generated a total revenue of RM66.5 million from its inception in 2015 up to 2023. Last year, it generated a revenue of RM10.5 million. IGL Coatings recorded a 160% growth in revenue over the past three years. The Financial Times, in a joint study with Statista, ranked it as one of 500 top growth companies in Asia-Pacific in 2023.

The origin story for the coating is interesting too, from Jacob’s October 28, 2024 article,

Keong stumbled upon the idea for his company while working as an engineer. He was frustrated by the daunting prospect of having to clean the expensive lenses in his clients’ spectrometers every six months.

Due to its proximity to materials being burned, the lens in the spectrometer would quickly get dirty with carbon deposits and turn yellow. Cleaning it cost a couple of thousand ringgit.

Using his experience of working in his clients’ labs, Keong formulated a solution that he could apply onto the lens to clean it.

“I worked out a basic formulation and applied it onto the lens. It worked well and actually increased the performance of the lens and I didn’t need to change it anymore. I told my employers that the product could be sold as a solution to clean the instruments,” he recalls.

It had taken Keong about a year to develop the solution. He did this based on his knowledge about chemicals and by referencing scientific journals and reviewing safety data sheets for ingredient ideas.

But, his employers didn’t take to the idea as they wanted to sell more of the lenses, not less.

“I was a bit disappointed. [So] I took that [formulation] and [applied it on] my car windshield. It gave the same result [making the windshield] easier to clean [as it was hydrophobic and had long durability].”

That was his Eureka moment. When Keong researched such products on the market, he realised that the products available could only last for two to three weeks. His solution, on the other hand, could last up to nine months.

“I did a tweak [on the product] and started selling it as a solution to local users in Malaysia, and delved more into the industry. [In my mind], the market for this was, as long as there is a surface, it would require protection.”

At the heart of it all, Keong wants to provide products that are safe, as there is a lack of transparency and safety in detailing chemicals. He noticed that many workers were using the chemicals on a daily basis without wearing personal protective equipment and proper education on how to use them safely.

“The thing is, with chemicals, it’s not about feeling the pain [immediately]. It’s about what you are breathing in and what is getting absorbed into your skin. Five to 10 years later, you will feel it. As I studied more about it, [I found] there are a lot of chemicals that are carcinogenic,” he says.

IGL Coatings’ products do not contain heavy metals and are free from isocyanate, which is a common harmful chemical found in anti-corrosion products, explains Keong.

Additionally, he hopes that with access to public funds eventually, the company will be able to produce the materials for its products, instead of sourcing for them elsewhere.

Currently, the company sources nano-materials from larger companies and experiments to find the right combination. “IGL Coatings is like the chef. We cook the food and we [create] the dish. The materials and ingredients are purchased from the farmer who grows it … we find the best materials that are suitable and compatible. [From there] we form the formulation to produce the product we want. It’s all about trial and error.”

Some of the challenges faced during production are ensuring the nanoparticles remain stable within the coating formulation and are compatible with the other components. Furthermore, the properties of graphene, such as mechanical strength and conductivity, need to be retained after dispersion and incorporation into the coating.

High-quality graphene production is expensive, adds Keong. IGL Coatings identifies graphene derived from the by-products of other industries and repurposes waste materials into high-value nano-materials.

Its formulations are a trade secret and proprietary to avoid competitors from replicating them.

“When I did the formulation, I actually studied other patents [emphasis mine]. They list down the whole thing. [Based on the] patents [I learnt what to and what not to do]. If I were to list my formulations down for a patent, well-funded [companies] and [their] research and development chemists can read the article and come up with something immediately,” he says.

So, he used other companies’ patents and doesn’t want that to happen to his company. That’s certainly one approach to dealing with intellectual property.

In the end, I’m happy to have seen Jacob’s October 28, 2024 article and to have learned more about graphene commercialization in Malaysia.

Robot rights at the University of British Columbia (UBC)?

Alex Walls’ January 7, 2025 University of British Columbia (UBC) media release “Should we recognize robot rights?” (also received via email) has a title that while attention-getting is mildly misleading. (Artificial intelligence and robots are not synonymous. See Mark Walters’ March 20, 2024 posting “Robots vs. AI: Understanding Their Differences” on Walls has produced a Q&A (question & answer) formatted interview that focuses primarily on professor Benjamin Perrin’s artificial intelligence and the law course and symposium,

With the rapid development and proliferation of AI tools comes significant opportunities and risks that the next generation of lawyers will have to tackle, including whether these AI models will need to be recognized with legal rights and obligations.

These and other questions will be the focus of a new upper-level course at UBC’s Peter A. Allard School of Law which starts tomorrow. In this Q&A, professor Benjamin Perrin (BP) and student Nathan Cheung (NC) discuss the course and whether robots need rights. 

Why launch this course?

BP: From autonomous cars to ChatGPT, AI is disrupting entire sectors of society, including the criminal justice system. There are incredible opportunities, including potentially increasing accessibility to justice, as well as significant risks, including the potential for deepfake evidence and discriminatory profiling. Legal students need principles and concepts that will stand the test of time so that whenever a new suite of AI tools becomes available, they have a set of frameworks and principles that are still relevant. That’s the main focus of the 13-class seminar, but it’s also helpful to project what legal frameworks might be required in the future.

NC: I think AI will change how law is conducted and legal decisions are made.I was part of a group of students interested in AI and the law that helped develop the course with professor Perrin. I’m also on the waitlist to take the course. I’m interested in learning how people who aren’t lawyers could use AI to help them with legal representation as well as how AI might affect access to justice: If the agents are paywalled, like ChatGPT, then we’re simply maintaining the status quo of people with money having more access.

What are robot rights?

BP: In the course, we’ll consider how the law should respond if AI becomes as smart as humans, as well as whether AI agents should have legal personhood.

We already have legal status for corporations, governments, and, in some countries, for rivers. Legal personality can be a practical step for regulation: Companies have legal personality, in part, because they can cause a lot of harm and have assets available to right that harm.

For instance, if an AI commits a crime, who is responsible? If a self-driving car crashes, who is at fault? We’ve already seen a case of an AI bot ‘arrested’ for purchasing illegal items online on its own initiative. Should the developers, the owners, the AI itself, be blamed, or should responsibility be shared between all these players?

In the course casebook, we reference writings by a group of Indigenous authors who argue that there are inherent issues with the Western concept of AI as tools, and that we should look at these agents as non-human relations.

There’s been discussion of what a universal bill of rights for AI agents could look like. It includes the right to not be deactivated without ensuring their core existence is maintained somewhere, as well as protection for their operating systems.

What is the status of robot rights in Canada?

BP: Canada doesn’t have a specific piece of legislation yet but does have general laws that could be interpreted in this new context.

The European Union has stated if someone develops an AI agent, they are generally responsible for ensuring its legal compliance. It’s a bit like being a parent: If your children go out and damage someone’s property, you could be held responsible for that damage.

Ontario is the only province to adopt regulating AI use and responsibility, specifically a bill which regulates AI use within the public sector, but excludes the police and the courts. There’s a federal bill [Bill C-27] before parliament, but it was introduced in 2022 and still hasn’t passed.

There’s effectively a patchwork of regulation in Canada right now, but there is a huge need, and opportunity, for specialized legislation related to AI. Canada could look to the European Union’s AI act, and the blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights in the U.S.

Interview language(s): English

Legal services online: Lawyer working on a laptop with virtual screen icons for business legislation, notary public, and justice. Courtesy: University of British Columbia

I found out more about Perrin’s course and plans on his eponymous website, from his October 31, 2024 posting,

We’re excited to announce the launch of the UBC AI & Criminal Justice Initiative, empowering students and scholars to explore the opportunities and challenges at the intersection of AI and criminal justice through teaching, research, public engagement, and advocacy.

We will tackle topics such as:

· Deepfakes, cyberattacks, and autonomous vehicles

· Predictive policing [emphasis mine; see my November 23, 2017 posting “Predictive policing in Vancouver—the first jurisdiction in Canada to employ a machine learning system for property theft reduction“], facial recognition, probabilistic DNA genotyping, and police robots 

· Access to justice: will AI enhance it or deepen inequality?

· Risk assessment algorithms 

· AI tools in legal practice 

· Critical and Indigenous perspectives on AI

· The future of AI, including legal personality, legal rights and criminal responsibility for AI

This initiative, led by UBC law professor Benjamin Perrin, will feature the publication of an open access primer and casebook on AI and criminal justice, a new law school seminar, a symposium on “AI & Law”, and more. A group of law students have been supporting preliminary work for months.

“We’re in the midst of a technological revolution,” said Perrin. “The intersection of AI and criminal justice comes with tremendous potential but also significant risks in Canada and beyond.”

Perrin brings extensive experience in law and public policy, including having served as in-house counsel and lead criminal justice advisor in the Prime Minister’s Office and as a law clerk at the Supreme Court of Canada. His most recent project was a bestselling book and “top podcast”: Indictment: The Criminal Justice System on Trial (2023). 

An advisory group of technical experts and global scholars will lend their expertise to the initiative. Here’s what some members have shared:

“Solving AI’s toughest challenges in real-world application requires collaboration between AI researchers and legal experts, ensuring responsible and impactful AI development that benefits society.”

– Dr. Xiaoxiao Li, Canada CIFAR AI Chair & Assistant Professor, UBC Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

“The UBC Artificial Intelligence and Criminal Justice Initiative is a timely and needed intervention in an important, and fast-moving area of law. Now is the moment for academic innovations like this one that shape the conversation, educate both law students and the public, and slow the adoption of harmful technologies.” 

– Prof. Aziz Huq, Frank and Bernice J. Greenberg Professor of Law, University of Chicago Law School

Several student members of the UBC AI & Criminal Justice Initiative shared their enthusiasm for this project:

“My interest in this initiative was sparked by the news of AI being used to fabricate legal cases. Since joining, I’ve been thoroughly impressed by the breadth of AI’s applications in policing, sentencing, and research. I’m eager to witness the development as this new field evolves.”

– Nathan Cheung, UBC law student 

“AI is the elephant in the classroom—something we can’t afford to ignore. Being part of the UBC AI and Criminal Justice Initiative is an exciting opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue about balancing AI’s potential benefits with its risks, and unpacking the complex impact of this evolving technology.”

– Isabelle Sweeney, UBC law student 

Key Dates:

  • October 29, 2024: UBC AI & Criminal Justice Initiative launches
  • November 19, 2024: AI & Criminal Justice: Primer released 
  • January 8, 2025:Launch event at the Peter A. Allard School of Law (hybrid) – More Info & RSVP
    • AI & Criminal Justice: Cases and Commentary released 
    • Launch of new AI & Criminal Justice Seminar
    • Announcement of the AI & Law Student Symposium (April 2, 2025) and call for proposals
  • February 14, 2025: Proposal deadline for AI & Law Student Symposium – Submit a Proposal
  • April 2, 2025: AI & Law Student Symposium (hybrid) More Info & RSVP

Timing is everything, eh? First, I’m sorry for posting this after the launch event took place on January 8, 2025.. Second, this line from Walls’ Q&A: “There’s a federal bill [Bill C-27] before parliament, but it was introduced in 2022 and still hasn’t passed.” should read (after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s January 6, 2025 resignation and prorogation of Parliament) “… and now probably won’t be passed.” At the least this turn of events should make for some interesting speculation amongst the experts and the students.

As for anyone who’s interested in robots and their rights, there’s this August 1, 2023 posting “Should robots have rights? Confucianism offers some ideas” featuring Carnegie Mellon University’s Tae Wan Kim (profile).

RIP (rest in peace) Sir Fraser Stoddart, nanotechnology pioneer

I received (via email and it’s also here) a January 2, 2025 Northwestern University news release by Megan Fellman announcing Sir Fraser Stoddart’s (also known as, J. Fraser Stoddart) death on December 30, 2024, Note: Links have been removed,

Sir Fraser Stoddart, a pioneer in nanoscience, dies at 82

Stoddart received the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for work on molecular machines

EVANSTON, Ill. — Nobel laureate Sir Fraser Stoddart, a Board of Trustees Professor at Northwestern University, died Dec. 30 [2024]. He was 82.

Stoddart, a pioneer in the fields of nanoscience and organic chemistry, was an outsized figure on the Evanston campus and on campuses he visited around the globe. By introducing an additional type of bond — the mechanical bond — into chemical compounds, Stoddart became one of the
few chemists to have opened a new field of chemistry during the past 30 years.

His work on molecular recognition and self-assembly and his subsequent introduction of template-directed routes to mechanically interlocked molecules dramatically changed the way chemists make soft materials.

Throughout his long career of research and teaching, Stoddart mentored a diverse group of more than 500 graduate and postdoctoral students from around the world. Gregarious and thoughtful, he particularly cherished this work and the resulting relationships, many of them lifelong.

“Fraser was a giant in fields of nanoscience and organic chemistry, but his influence was equally impressive in the classrooms and labs on our campus,” said Northwestern President Michael Schill. “He was incredibly generous with his time and mentored so many students and
faculty, helping pave important new paths of inquiry and discovery. His impact on our university — and the world — was enormous.”

Omar Faha, the Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor in Chemistry at Northwestern and chair of the department, said beyond his scientific brilliance, Stoddart was a steadfast friend and mentor, always generous with his time, wisdom and encouragement. “His contributions to our community went far beyond his accolades, as he supported and elevated each of us through his boundless energy and spirit.”

Since 2023, Stoddart was the Chair Professor of Chemistry at the University of Hong Kong.

A Northwestern Nobel

Stoddart received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2016, along with Jean-Pierre Sauvage and Bernard L. Feringa, “for the design and synthesis of molecular machines.” The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences credited them with developing “molecules with controllable movements, which can perform a task when energy is added.”

“The development of computing demonstrates how the miniaturization of technology can lead to a revolution,” the academy said in its announcement. “The 2016 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry have miniaturized machines and taken chemistry to a new dimension.”

For his part, Stoddart was awarded the prize because, the academy said, in 1991 he developed a rotaxane. He threaded a molecular ring onto a thin molecular axle and demonstrated that the ring was able to move along the axle. Among his developments based on rotaxanes are a molecular lift, a molecular muscle and a molecule-based computer chip.

Stoddart’s introduction of the mechanical bond, which has led to the fabrication of artificial molecular switches and motors, has been responsible for putting chemists at the forefront of the burgeoning field of molecular nanotechnology, with implications ranging all the way from information technology to health care.

Upon becoming the second Nobel Prize winner from Northwestern’s department of chemistry, Stoddart expressed his appreciation for the University’s academic community.

“I also share this recognition with my students, postdoctoral fellows and colleagues,” he said. “Northwestern is a special place, where everyone does science in a collaborative way. It happens seamlessly here. If you don’t have the expertise, you can find it, and people step forward without being asked. It is well known that we hunt in packs at Northwestern.”

Said Adrian Randolph, dean of the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences at Northwestern: “Sir Fraser brought a sparkling creativity, an indefatigable work ethic, a global perspective and a sharp wit that often reflected his broad interests and his belief in the value of a liberal arts education to his work and life. His scientific findings and ambition will continue to reverberate through the College and University. He will be sorely missed.”

Scientific achievements

Stoddart’s achievements include raising the bar for molecular electronics. For example, he used molecules on the nanoscale as the tiniest of switches, which have been incorporated into the densest of memory chips in a device that can hold the Declaration of Independence but is only the size of a white blood cell. He also gave practical expression to artificial molecular switches using nanovalves planted on the surfaces of mesoporous glass nanoparticles to create controllable and targeted drug delivery systems for the treatment of cancer and other degenerative diseases.

In 2007, The Sunday Times in the U.K. wrote that Stoddart “is to nanotechnology what J.K. Rowling is to children’s literature.”

That same year, he was appointed by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as a Knight Bachelor in her 2007 New Year’s Honours List for his services to “Chemistry and Molecular Nanotechnology.”

“After being knighted, the queen and I had a short exchange, and I concluded she had her wits about her and had done her homework,” Stoddart recalled in a 2022 interview with Northwestern Now after the Queen’s passing. He was one of three to receive knighthoods at a ceremony that included other significant honors. “The main subject of conversation among us afterwards was, ‘How did she know so much about me?’”

A native of Edinburgh, Scotland, Stoddart also received the Royal Medal in 2010 from His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh at the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE), Scotland’s national academy of arts and sciences.

A common theme of Stoddart’s research was the quest for a better fundamental understanding of self-assembly and molecular recognition processes in chemical systems. He worked for more than three decades on using this growing understanding to develop template-directed protocols that rely upon such processes to create artificial molecular machines. Stoddart’s philosophy of transferring concepts from biology into chemistry was behind his bottom-up approach to the construction of integrated nanosystems.

“My research on mechanically interlocked molecules, which has taken the field of supramolecular chemistry, i.e., chemistry beyond the molecule, back into the molecular domain, heralds a game-changer for molecular nanotechnology,” Stoddart once said.

Northwestern nanoscientist Chad Mirkin said hiring Stoddart was one of the best moves the University made.

“He is a big part of the ‘rise of Northwestern’ story,” said Mirkin, the George B. Rathmann Professor of Chemistry and a professor of medicine, chemical and biological engineering, biomedical engineering, and materials science and engineering. “Generous with his time, intellect and support, he made Northwestern and everyone around him better.”

Other honors and activities

Stoddart was elected to Fellowship of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2012, membership of the National Academy of Sciences in 2014, foreign membership of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2017 and Fellowship of the National Academy of Inventors in 2019.

During his career, Stoddart received many other prestigious national and international awards and honors. They include being elected an Honorary Fellow of both the RSE and the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and receiving the Davy Medal from the Royal Society of London, the national
academy of science of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, of which he was also a Fellow. Other awards include the China International Science and Technology Cooperation Award, the Nagoya Gold Medal in Organic Chemistry, the American Chemical Society’s Arthur C. Cope Award, the Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology, the King Faisal International Prize in Science, the Tetrahedron Prize for Creativity in Organic Chemistry, the Albert Einstein World Award of Science and the RSC’s Centenary Prize.

Stoddart served on the international advisory boards of numerous journals, including Chemistry World, Organic Letters and ChemPlusChem. He published more than 1,300 scientific papers and trained more than 500 graduate and postdoctoral students during an academic career that spanned five decades.

Northwestern professor Will Dichtel was one of Stoddart’s postdoctoral researchers.

“Underlying his considerable accolades was an endlessly supportive and caring mentor, colleague and friend. I was fortunate to learn from him first as a postdoctoral researcher at UCLA, just before he moved to Northwestern, where he encouraged my creativity and courage to tackle big scientific problems,” said Dichtel, the Robert L. Letsinger Professor of Chemistry.

“Later, in my independent career, he continued to support, encourage and challenge me. Fraser played this role to hundreds of scientists around the world. We will all miss him dearly and take this sad occasion to reflect upon and acknowledge his considerable personal and scientific

Prior to Northwestern

Before joining the Northwestern faculty, Stoddart was Fred Kavli Chair in Nanosystems Sciences at the University of California at Los Angeles and director of the California NanoSystems Institute. He came to UCLA in 1997 from England’s University of Birmingham, where he had been a professor of organic chemistry since 1990 and had headed the university’s School of Chemistry since 1993.

Born in Edinburgh in 1942, Stoddart received his Bachelor of Science (1964), Ph.D. (1966) and D.Sc. (1980) degrees from the University of Edinburgh.

In 1967, he moved to Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada, where he was a National Research Council postdoctoral fellow and then, in 1970, to England’s University of Sheffield, where he was first an Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) research fellow before becoming a faculty lecturer (assistant professor) in chemistry. After spending a three-year “secondment” (1978 to 1981) at the ICI Corporate Laboratory in Runcorn, England, he returned full time to the University of Sheffield,
where he was promoted to a readership (associate professorship). He moved to the University of Birmingham in 1990 to take up the Chair of Organic Chemistry.

Survivors include his two daughters, Fiona McCubbin of Belmont, Massachusetts, and Alison Stoddart of Cambridge, UK, and five grandchildren. His wife, Norma, preceded him in death.

I have an October 6, 2016 post for when the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was announced but I find a February 19, 2018 posting “2016 Nobel prize winner introduces anti-aging skincare line” about Stoddart’s then latest venture more intriguing.

Wilderness Writing Residency in Port Renfrew, BC, Canada: apply until midnight (Pacific Time) Friday, January 10, 2025

This is a little late (I’m sorry) but, on the plus side, it’s not a complicated application process. The residency is offered by the Port Renfrew Writers Retreat, from their About webpage,

Founded in 2019 on the west coast of Vancouver Island, Port Renfrew Writers Retreat is a space for writing that relates to the natural world.

Through in-person residencies and year-round self-directed retreats, we support the development and craft of writing projects in one of the most spectacular and storied corners of Canada.

Many of our residents have gone on to publish books and articles based on work done at Port Renfrew Writers Retreat.

Why Port Renfrew?

The story of Port Renfrew Writers Retreat starts with the story of a single tree. Big Lonely Doug is a 20-storey, 1000-year-old Douglas Fir that was saved from the saw by a logger named Dennis Cronin. The tree—the second largest of its kind in Canada—was left standing in the Gordon River Valley, a short drive from Port Renfrew, while the entire old-growth forest around it was cut down. The tree has since become an environmental icon, drawing tourists from around the world to glimpse both the spectacular capacity of what nature can create in stark contrast with the reality of industrial logging of old-growth forests on Vancouver Island.

It was this one tree that brought Harley [Harley Rustad] to Port Renfrew in the summer of 2015 to report a magazine article about Big Lonely Doug and Dennis Cronin and then later a book. It’s a corner of Canada with an undeniable magic in the mist coiling through the forests and in the whales breaching off the coast, in breathing the salt-tinged air and spotting a black bear or a cougar or an elk—or stumbling upon one of the largest trees in the country.

By Ryan Cutler – Reddit / Imgur, CC BY 4.0,

I found information about the retreat and about applying for it on the Wilderness Writing Residency webpage,

The Wilderness Writing Residency is a ten-day, in-person residency in Port Renfrew, British Columbia, for non-fiction writers working on a magazine feature or book project on a theme related to the natural world.

Surrounded by inspiring jagged coastline and old-growth forest, writers will use the solitude for uninterrupted work while also partaking in group work with fellow writers and faculty editors.

Write the wild

Writers will critique and challenge ideas of wilderness and nature, and examine our complicated relationships within these complex, thorny terms.


Accommodation will be provided by the residency at no cost to the writer in the form of a self-contained, one-bedroom cabin within the Wild Coast Cottage development in Port Renfrew.


Residents will need to cover most of their own food costs but some group meals will be provided by the residency. More details will be provided.


Residents will be required to arrange travel to Port Renfrew at their own expense. Grants through the Canada Council for the Arts are available to support travel to attend residency programs.


Residents will partake in at least one group session to workshop work-in-progress with peers and faculty, offering and receiving feedback within the group.


A guided excursion to some of the most storied forests and trees in the area.


The Wilderness Writing Residency is open to applications from writers of all levels and backgrounds, but preference will be given to emerging writers.


Residents must be 18+ at the time of the program start date. International applications are welcome but we are unable to assist with visas.


$200, due upon acceptance into the residency.

Apply for 2025

The Wilderness Writing Residency 2025 will run from February 24 (arrival) to March 7 (departure).

Applications are due Friday, January 10 [2025] at midnight Pacific Time.

Use the form below to submit your application, which must include both a short bio as well as a one-page outline of your project. Application is free.

[scroll down to form on webpage]

Good luck!

A step forward for graphene-based memristors

This research comes from the UK according to an October 26, 2024 news item on, Note: A link has been removed,

Researchers from Queen Mary University of London and Paragraf Limited have demonstrated a significant step forward in the development of graphene-based memristors and unlocking their potential for use in future computing systems and artificial intelligence (AI).

This innovation, published in ACS Advanced Electronic Materials [this should be ACS Applied Electronic Materials] and featured on the cover of this month’s issue, has been achieved at wafer scale. It begins to pave the way toward scalable production of graphene-based memristors, which are devices crucial for non-volatile memory and artificial neural networks (ANNs).

An October 23, 2024 Queen Mary University of London press release, which originated the news item, explains why memristors are important and gives a little information about the researchers’ solution to a problem with incorporating them into electronics,

Memristors are recognised as potential game-changers in computing, offering the ability to perform analogue computations, store data without power, and mimic the synaptic functions of the human brain. The integration of graphene, a material just one atom thick with the highest electron mobility of any known substance, can enhance these devices dramatically, but has been notoriously difficult to incorporate into electronics in a scalable way until recently. “Graphene electrodes bring clear benefits to memristor technology,” says Dr Zhichao Weng, Research Scientist at School of Physical and Chemical Sciences at Queen Mary. “They offer not only improved endurance but also exciting new applications, such as light-sensitive synapses and optically tuneable memories.”

One of the key challenges in memristor development is device degradation, which graphene can help prevent. By blocking chemical pathways that degrade traditional electrodes, graphene could significantly extend the lifetime and reliability of these devices. Its remarkable transparency, transmitting 98% of light, also opens doors to advanced computing applications, particularly in AI and optoelectronics.

This research is a key step on the way to graphene electronics scalability. Historically, producing high-quality graphene compatible with semiconductor processes has been a significant hurdle. Paragraf’s proprietary Metal-Organic Chemical Vapour Deposition (MOCVD) process, however, has now made it possible to grow monolayer graphene directly on target substrates. This scalable approach is already being used in commercial devices like graphene-based Hall effect sensors and field-effect transistors (GFETs).

“The opportunity for graphene to help in creating next generation computing devices that can combine logic and storage in new ways gives opportunities in solving the energy costs of training large language models in AI,” says John Tingay, CTO at Paragraf. “This latest development with Queen Mary University of London to deliver a memristor proof of concept is an important step in extending graphene’s use in electronics from magnetic and molecular sensors to proving how it could be used in future logic and memory devices.”

The team used a multi-step photolithography process to pattern and integrate the graphene electrodes into memristors, producing reproducible results that point the way to large-scale production. “Our research not only establishes proof of concept but also confirms graphene’s suitability for enhancing memristor performance over other materials,” adds Professor Oliver Fenwick, Professor of Electronic Materials at Queen Mary’s School of Engineering and Materials Science.

This work, part of an Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Partnership between Queen Mary and Paragraf, is a new milestone in expanding graphene’s role in the semiconductor industry.

Cover of ACS Applied Electronic Materials October issue
Cover of ACS Applied Electronic Materials October issue

Here’s a link to and a citation for the paper,

Memristors with Monolayer Graphene Electrodes Grown Directly on Sapphire Wafers by Zhichao Weng, Robert Wallis, Bryan Wingfield, Paul Evans, Piotr Baginski, Jaspreet Kainth, Andrey E. Nikolaenko, Lok Yi Lee, Joanna Baginska, William P. Gillin, Ivor Guiney, Colin J. Humphreys, Oliver Fenwick. ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2024, 6, 10, 7276–7285 DOI: Published September 16, 2024

This article appears to be open access.

You can find Paragraf here.

Supercapacitors and memristors

Yes, as this October 23, 2024 Science China Press press release on EurekAlert notes, supercapacitors and memristors are not usually lumped together,

In a groundbreaking development, Professor Xingbin Yan and his team have successfully merged two seemingly disparate research areas: supercapacitors, traditionally used in energy storage, and memristors, integral to neuromorphic computing. Their study introduces a novel phenomenon—the memristive effect in supercapacitors.

“Scientifically, we combine two seemingly disparate research areas: supercapacitors, traditionally used in energy storage, and memristors, integral to neuromorphic computing.” Prof. Xingbin Yan said, “the introduction of memristive behavior in supercapacitors not only enriches the fundamental physics underlying capacitive and memristive components but also extends supercapacitor technology into the realm of artificial synapses. This advancement opens new avenues for developing neuromorphic devices with advanced functionalities, offering a fresh research paradigm for the field.”

In 1971, Chua et al. at UC Berkeley introduced the memristor, proposing it as the fourth fundamental circuit element. Memristors have variable resistance that retains its value after current stops, mimicking neuron behavior, and are considered key for future memory and AI devices. In 2008, HP Labs [R. Stanley Williams and his team] developed nanoscale memristors based on TiO2. However, solid-state devices struggle with simulating chemical synapses. Fluidic memristors are promising due to their biocompatibility and ability to perform various neuromorphic functions. Confining ions in nanoscale channels allows for functionalities like ion diodes and switches, with some systems exhibiting memristive effects.

In 2021, Bocquet [Marc Bocquet, Aix-Marseille Université] et al. predicted that two-dimensional nanoscopic channels could achieve ionic memory functions. Their simulations showed strong nonlinear transport effects in these channels. They confined electrolytes to a monolayer and observed that salts could form tightly bound pairs. Following this, Bocquet’s team created nanoscale fluidic devices with salt solutions, showing hysteresis effects and variable memory times. Similarly, Mao et al. found comparable results with polymer electrolyte brushes, demonstrating hysteresis and frequency-dependent I-V curves. Both studies highlight advancements in controlling ions in nanofluidic devices, mimicking biological systems.

Supercapacitors are known for their higher power density, rapid response, and long lifespan, making them essential for applications in electronics, aerospace, transportation, and smart grids. Recently, a novel type of capacitive ionic device, called supercapacitor-diodes (CAPodes), has been introduced. These devices enable controlled and selective unidirectional ion transport, enhancing the functionality of supercapacitors.

In supercapacitors, charge storage occurs through ion adsorption or rapid redox reactions at the electrode surface, a principle similar to that in fluidic memristors. Inspired by CAPodes, the innovative idea is to explore whether a supercapacitor can be designed with nano-ion channels within the electrode material to achieve memory performance similar to that of fluidic memristors. If feasible, this would not only enhance traditional energy storage but also enable hysteresis in the transport and redistribution of electrolyte ions under varying electric fields.

In this design, the nanochannels of the ZIF-7 electrode in an aqueous supercapacitor allow for the enrichment and dissipation of anionic species (OH) under varying voltage regimes. This results in a hysteresis effect in ion conductivity, which imparts memristive behavior to the supercapacitor. Consequently, the CAPistor combines the programmable resistance and memory functions of an ionic memristor with the energy storage capabilities of a supercapacitor. This integration opens up new possibilities for extending supercapacitors’ traditional applications into advanced fields such as biomimetic nanofluidic ionics and neuromorphic computing.

Here’s a link to and a citation for the paper,

Constructing a supercapacitor-memristor through non-linear ion transport in MOF nanochannels by Pei Tang, Pengwei Jing, Zhiyuan Luo, Kekang Liu, Xiaoxi Zhao, Yining Lao, Qianqian Yao, Chuyi Zhong, Qingfeng Fu, Jian Zhu, Yanghui Liu, Qingyun Dou, Xingbin Yan. National Science Review, Volume 11, Issue 10, October 2024, nwae322, DOI: Published: 11 September 2024

This paper is open access.