Tag Archives: Kate Lundy

Australian Academy of Science launches National Nanotechnology Research Strategy

Today, Dec. 7, 2012, Australian Senator, the Honourable Kate Lundy, announced a National Nanotechnology Research Strategy document. According to the Dec. 7, 2012 news item on Nanowerk,

Outlining a bold vision for a nanotechnology enabled Australian Economy; the research strategy highlights a range of existing and emerging nanotechnology applications. … This research strategy goes on to highlight Australia’s current research strengths across a broad range of nanotechnology disciplines and subsequently identify opportunities for these strengths to be leveraged over the coming decade.

… The strategy was prepared by the [Australian] Academy [of Science] with funding received from the National Enabling Technologies Policy Section in the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education.

A Dec. 7, 2012 article on the Adelaide Now website provides more details,

Scientists say if Australia wants to capture a big share and make nanotechnology an economic driver, it needs to support the entire spectrum of nanotechnology development – fundamental research to developing mechanisms to translate technology to industry in an effective and timely way.

Scientists launched on Friday [Dec. 7, 2012] a national strategy for nanotechnology development.

They say development could help parts of the manufacturing industry revolutionise its products, develop new products and address the grand challenges facing the nation such as health and ageing.

The plan’s vision statement says assessments of the impact of nanotechnology on society by 2020 suggest Australia needs to invest more.

The Australian Academy of Science website can be found here.