Tag Archives: environmental benefits

Paul Corkum wins another award and OECD invitation-only conference on nanotechnology as an environmental benefit

Dr. Paul Corkum, mentioned here in my March 17, 2009 posting when he won the Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering, has won a 2nd award. This one is from the province of Ontario (Canada) and is called the Premier’s Discovery Award for Natural Sciences and Engineering. There’s more about his work in attosecond science both in my previous posting and here.

I keep hearing that nanotechnology could have some positive environmental impacts but this the first conference, OECD Conference on Potential Environmental Benefits of Nanotechnology:  Fostering Safe Innovation-Led Growth, I’ve seen that tackles the question.

The conference will provide an opportunity for governments, academia and industry to consider the state-of-the-art of nanotechnologies, their potential to bring environmental benefits and any potential human health and environmental safety concerns at the same time. In particular, the conference will address sustainability and life cycle aspects in a variety of sectors in which nanotechnology has the potential to give rise to environmental benefits. Thus, the conference will explore the environmental profiles of emerging nanoscale innovation with the goal of encouraging development of technologies that can result in environmental gain while addressing unintended consequences.

As I noted in the headline, it’s invitation-only. For more information about the conference you can go here or here. For anyone who’s not familiar with the abbreviation, OECD =  Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.