Tag Archives: International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering

Conference on composites and nano-engineering

Courtesy of the Applied Science (at the University of British Columbia[UBC]) Faculty’s newsletter, here’s some information about the 19th International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering (ICCE) to be held in Shanghai, China from July 24-30, 2010. There’s more information about the conference and deadlines for papers at the ICCE conference website. Students should apply early for travel funding as per this information from the UBC webpage,

The short paper should be written in the format instructed on our webpage. The authors have a choice of submitting either a two-page paper or a four-page one (please fill up the last page). Each presenter can only submit one paper.

Please apply for travel funds and passport visa early, since this can take time. Please inform interested friends to present papers.

All ICCE-19 Shanghai, China short papers will be reviewed and then published in a special issue of World Journal of Engineering, containing over 1000 pages. This journal is SCI and EI indexed.

Authors are encouraged to submit full length papers to be published in selected SCI and EI journals.