This is my 3rd annual roundup of Canadian science blogs and the science blogging scene in Canada seems to be getting more lively (see my Dec. 31, 2010 posting and Dec. 29, 2011 posting to compare).
As I did last year, I will start with
Don’t leave Canada appears to be gone as there hasn’t been posting there since May 4, 2011. I’m sorry to see it go as Rob Annan provided thoughtful commentary on science policy on a regular basis for years. Thank you, Rob. (BTW, he’s now the director of policy, research and evaluation at MITACS.)
Cool Science, John McKay’s blog has been shut down as of Oct. 24, 2012,
Hi everyone. This will mark the final post of the site and it will be quietly taken offline in November. I will also be closing down the Twitter and Facebook accounts and moving everything over to my professional accounts that are all focused on communicating science, technology, engineering and medicine.
The Dark Matter science blog by Tom Spears, which I reluctantly (as it was a ‘newspaper blog’ from the Ottawa Citizen)included last year has since disappeared as has NeuroDojo, a blog written by a Canadian scientist in Texas.
Goodbye ish
Marc Leger’s Atoms and Numbers blog’s latest posting is dated Oct. 23, 2012 but the pattern here seems similar to Marie-Claire’s (see the next one) where the posting is erratic but relatively regular (once or twice per month) until October of this year.
Marie-Claire Shanahan is posting less frequently on her Boundary Vision blog with the last posting there on Oct. 9, 2012.
The Bubble Chamber blog from the University of Toronto’s Science Policy Work Group seems to be fading away with only one posting for 2012, Reply to Wayne Myrvold on the Higgs Boson.
Colin Schulz’s CMBR blog hasn’t had a new posting since July 13, 2012’s 11 Things You Didn’t Know About Canada. In any event, it looks like the blog is no longer primarily focused on science.
The Exponential Book blog by Massimo Boninsegni features an Oct. 24, 2012 posting and a similar posting pattern to Marie-Claire & Marc.
exposure/effect which was new last year has gone into a fairly lengthy hiatus as per its last post in January 30, 2012 posting.
Theoretical biologist, Mario Pineda-Krch of Mario’s Entangled Bank blog is also taking a lengthy hiatus as the last posting on that blog was June 11, 2012.
Nicole Arbour’s Canadian science blog for the UK High Commission in Ottawa hasn’t featured a posting since Oct. 15, 2012’s The Power of We: Adapting to climate change.
Gregor Wolbring’s Nano and Nano- Bio, Info, Cogno, Neuro, Synbio, Geo, Chem… features an Aug. 4, 2012 posting which links to one of his nano articles, (Nanoscale Science and Technology and People with Disabilities in Asia: An Ability Expectation Analysis) published elsewhere.
Jeff Sharom’s Science Canada blog highlights links to editorials and articles on Canadian science policy but doesn’t seem to feature original writing by Sharom or anyone else, consequently, it functions more as a reader/aggregator than a blog.
The Black Hole blog which was always more focused on prospect for Canadian science graduates than Canadian science, hence always a bit of a stretch for inclusion here, has moved to the University Affairs website where it focuses more exclusively on the Canadian academic scene with posts such as this, Free journal access for postdocs in between positions from Dec. 12, 2012.
Returning to the roundup:
John Dupuis’ Confessions of a Science Librarian whose Dec. 26, 2012 posting, Best Science (Fiction) Books 2012: io9 seems timely for anyone taking a break at this time of year and looking for some reading material.
Daniel Lemire’s blog is known simply as Daniel Lemire. He’s a computer scientist in Montréal who writes one of the more technical blogs I’ve come across and his focus seems to be databases although his Dec. 10, 2012 posting covers the topic of how to get things accomplished when you’re already busy.
Dave Ng, a professor with the Michael Smith Laboratories at the University of British Columbia, is a very active science communicator who maintain the Popperfont blog. The latest posting (Dec. 24, 2012) features Sciencegeek Advent Calendar Extravaganza! – Day 24.
Eric Michael Johnson continues with his The Primate Diaries blog on the Scientific American blog network. His Dec. 6, 2012 posting is a reposted article but he has kept up a regular (once per month, more or less) posting schedule,
Author’s Note: The following originally appeared at and was subsequently a finalist in the 3 Quarks Daily Science Prize judged by Richard Dawkins. Fairness is the basis of the social contract. As citizens we expect that when we contribute our fair share we should receive our just reward. When social benefits are handed out …
Rosie Redfield is keeping with both her blogs, RRTeaching (latest posting, Dec. 6, 2012) and RRResearch (Nov. 17, 2012).
Sci/Why is a science blog being written by Canadian children’s writers who discuss science, words, and the eternal question – why?
Mathematician Nassif Ghoussoub’s Piece of Mind blog continues to feature incisive writing about science, science funding, policy and academe.
Canadian science writer Heather Pringle continues to post on the The Last Word on Nothing, a blog shared collectively by a number of well known science writers. Her next posting is scheduled for Jan. 3, 2013, according to the notice on the blog.
A little off my usual beat but I included these last year as they do write about science albeit medical and/or health science:
Susan Baxter’s blog Curmudgeon’s Corner features her insights into various medical matters, for example there’s her Dec. 1, 2012 posting on stress, the immune system, and the French antipathy towards capitalism.
Peter Janiszewski and Travis Saunders co-own two different blogs, Obesity Panacea, which is part of the PLoS (Public Library of Science) blogs network, and Science of Blogging which features very occasional posting but it’s worth a look for nuggets like this Oct. 12, 2012 (?) posting on social media for scientists.
After posting the 2011 roundup,
I had a number of suggestions for more Canadian science blogs such as these four who are part of the Scientific American SA) blogging network (in common with Eric Michael Johnson),
Dr. Carin Bondar posts on the SA blog, PsiVid, along with Joanne Manaster. There’s more than one Canadian science blogger who co-writes a blog. This one is self-described as, A cross section of science on the cyberscreen.
Glendon Mellow, a professional science illustrator, posts on The Flying Trilobite (his own blog) and Symbiartic: the art of science and the science of art, an SA blog he shares with Kalliopi Monoyios.
Larry Moran, a biochemist at the University of Toronto, posts on science and anything else that tickles his fancy on his Sandwalk blog.
Eva Amsen who posts on a number of blogs including the NODE; the community site for developmental biologists (which she also manages) but the best place to find a listing of her many blogs and interests is at, where she includes this self-description on the About page,
Online Projects
- Musicians and Scientists – Why are so many people involved in both music and science? I’m on a mission to find out.
- the Node – My day job is managing a community site for developmental biologists around the world. The site is used by equal numbers of postdocs, PhD students, and lab heads.
- SciBarCamp/SciBarCamb – I co-instigated SciBarCamp, an unconference for scientists, in Toronto in 2008. Since then I have co-organized five similar events in three countries, and have advised others on how to run science unconferences.
- You Learn Something New Every Day – a Tumblr site that automatically aggregates tweets with the hashtag #ylsned, and Flickr photos tagged ylsned, to collect the interesting bits of trivia that people come across on a daily basis.
- Lab Waste – During my last months in the lab as a PhD student, I made a mini-documentary (using CC-licensed materials) about the excessive amount of disposable plastics used in research labs. It screened in 2009 in the “Quirky Shorts” program of the Imagine Science Film Festival in New York.
- Expression Patterns – In 2007 I was invited to blog on Nature Network. The complete archives from 2007-2012 are now on this site.
- – Confusingly, my other science blog was named after this entire domain. It ran from 2005 to 2010, and can be found at
I believe Amsen is Canadian and working in the UK but if anyone could confirm, I would be much relieved.
Someone, who according to their About page prefers to remain anonymous but lives in Victoria, BC, and posts (somewhat irregularly, the last posting is dated Nov. 10, 2012) on The Olive Ridley Crawl,
I am an environmental scientist blogging about environmental and development issues that interest me. I prefer to be anonymous(e) because I work with some of the companies I may talk about and I want to avoid conflict of interest issues at work. This gets tricky because I am at the periphery of a lot of events happening in the world of my greatest expertise, persistent organic pollutants, endocrine disrupting compounds, their effects on health and the policy fights around chemicals, their use the controversies! So, I’ve reluctantly moved away from writing about what I know most about, which means this blog suffers severely. I still soldier on, though!
I was born, and grew up in India, so I am interested in all things South Asian and tend to view most all Western government and Western institution actions through a colonialist scratched lens! I am also becoming much more active about my feminism, so who knows what that will do to this blog. I have been meaning to write a monstrous essay about women, the environment and justice, but that’s a task!
I used to live in Chapel Hill, NC with a partner of long vintage (the partnership, that is, not her!) and a crazy cat who thinks he’s a dog. We moved to Victoria, BC in 2008 and I’ve been busy learning about Canadian policy, enjoying this most beautiful town I live in.
Why Olive Ridley? Well, the Olive Ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys Olivacea) nests on the coasts of Madras, India and I got my start in the wonderful world of conservation working on the Olive Ridley with the Students’ Sea Turtle Conservation Network. So, I do have fond memories for this beautiful creature. And yes, as my dear partner reminds me, I did meet her on the beach when I was doing this work.
Agence Science-Presse (based in Québec and headed by Pascal Lapointe) features three blogs of its own:
Blogue ta science : les billets dédiés aux jeunes.
Discutez avec notre expert : avez-vous suivi notre enquête CSI ?
Autour des Blogues : les actualités de nos blogueurs et de la communauté.
There’s also a regular podcast under the Je vote pour la science banner.
genegeek appears to be Canadian (it has a domain in Canada) but the blog owner doesn’t really identify herself (there’s a photo) on the About page but no name and no biographical details. I did receive a tweet last year about genegeek from C. Anderson who I imagine is the blog owner.
There’s also the Canadian BioTechnologist2.0 blog, which is sponsored by Bio-Rad Canada and is written by an employee.
These next ones were added later in the year:
Chuck Black writes two blogs as he noted in June 2012,
I write two blogs which, while they focus more on space than science, do possess strong science components and overlap with some of the other blogs here.
They are: Commercial Space and Space Conference News.
Andy Park also came to my attention in June 2012. He writes the It’s the Ecology, Stupid! blog.
Something About Science is a blog I featured in an Aug. 17, 2012 posting and I’m glad to see blogger, Lynn K, is still blogging.
New to the roundup in 2012:
SSChow, Sarah Chow’s blog, focuses on science events in Vancouver (Canada) and science events at the University of British Columbia and miscellaneous matters pertinent to her many science communication efforts.
The Canadian federal government seems to be trying its hand at science blogging with the Blogs ( An anemic effort given that boasts a total of six (or perhaps it’s five) posting in two or three years.
The Canadian Science Writers Association (CSWA) currently features a blog roll of its members’ blogs. This is a new initiative from the association and one I’m glad to see. Here’s the list (from the CSWA member blog page),
Anne Steinø (Research Through the Eyes of a Biochemist)
Arielle Duhame-Ross (Salamander Hours)
Bob McDonald (I’m choking on this one since it’s a CBC [Canadian Broadcasting Corporation] blog for its Quirks and Quarks science pr0gram)
Cadell Last (The Ratchet)
Edward Willett
Elizabeth Howell (she seems to be blogging again and the easiest way for me to get to her postings was to click on the Archives link [I clicked on December 2012 to get the latest] after doing that I realized that the images on the page link to postings)
Heather Maughan
Justin Joschko
Kimberly Gerson (Endless Forms Most Beautiful)
Mark Green (a CSWA member, he was born and educated in the US where he lives and works; ordinarily I would not include him, even with his CSWA membership status, but he writes a monthly science column for a Cape Breton newspaper, which has made me pause)
Pamela Lincez (For the Love of Science)
Sarah Boon (Watershed Moments)
Susan Eaton (she seems to be reposting articles written [presumably by her] for the AAPG [American Association of Petroleum Geologists] Explorer and other organizations in her blog]
Barry Shell’s site (listed as a CSWA member blog) doesn’t match my admittedly foggy notion of a blog. It seems more of an all round Canadian science resource featuring profiles of Canadian scientists, a regularly updated news archive, and more. is extraordinary and I’m thankful to have finally stumbled across it but it doesn’t feature dated posts in common with the other blogs listed here, even the most commercial ones.
Tyler Irving (I had no idea he had his own blog when I mentioned him in my Sept. 25, 2012 posting about Canadian chemists and the Canadian Chemical Institute’s publications) posts at the Scientific Canadian.
I choke again, as I do when mentioning blogs that are corporate media blogs, but in the interest of being as complete as possible Julia Belluz writes the Scien-ish blog about health for MacLean’s magazine.
Genome Alberta hosts a couple of blogs: Genomics and Livestock News & Views.
Occam’s Typewriter is an informal network of science bloggers two of whom are Canadian:
Cath Ennis (VWXYNot?) and Richard Wintle (Adventures in Wonderland). Note: The Guardian Science Blogs network seems to have some sort of relationship with Occam’s Typewriter as you will see postings from the Occam’s network featured as part of Occam’s Corner on the Guardian website.
My last blogger in this posting is James Colliander from the University of Toronto’s Mathematics Department. He and Nassif (Piece of Mind blog mentioned previously) seem to share a similar interest in science policy and funding issues.
ETA Jan.2.13: This is a social science oriented blog maintained by a SSHRC- (Social Science and Humanities Research Council) funded network cluster called the Situating Science Cluster and the blog’s official name is: Cluster Blog. This is where you go to find out about Science and Technology Studies (STS) and History of Science Studies, etc. and events associated with those studies.
I probably should have started with this definition of a Canadian blogger, from the Wikipedia entry,
A Canadian blogger is the author of a weblog who lives in Canada, has Canadian citizenship, or writes primarily on Canadian subjects. One could also be considered a Canadian blogger if one has a significant Canadian connection, though this is debatable.
Given how lively the Canadian science blogging scene has become, I’m not sure I can continue with these roundups as they take more time each year. At the very least, I’ll need to define the term Canadian Science blogger, in the hope of reducing the workload, if I decide to continue after this year.
There’s a rather interesting Nov. 26, 2012 article by Stephanie Taylor for McGill Daily about the Canadian public’s science awareness and a dearth of Canadian science communication,
Much of the science media that Canadians consume and have access to is either American or British: both nations have a robust, highly visible science media sector. While most Canadians wouldn’t look primarily to American journalism for political news and analysis, science doesn’t have the same inherent national boundaries that politics does. While the laws of physics don’t change depending on which side of the Atlantic you’re on, there are scientific endeavours that are important to Canadians but have little importance to other nations. It’s unlikely that a British researcher would investigate the state of the Canadian cod fishery, or that the British press would cover it, but that research is critical to a substantial number of Canadians’ livelihoods.
On the other hand, as Canadian traditional media struggles to consistently cover science news, there’s been an explosion of scientists of all stripes doing a lot of the necessary big picture, broad context, critical analysis on the internet. The lack of space restrictions and accessibility of the internet (it’s much easier to start a blog than try to break in to traditional media) mean that two of the major barriers to complex discussion of science in the media are gone. Blogs struggle to have the same reach as newspapers and traditional media, though, and many of the most successful science blogs are under the online umbrella of mainstream outlets like Scientific American and Discover. Unfortunately and perhaps unsurprisingly, there is currently no Canadian science blog network like this. [emphasis mine]
Yes, let’s create a Canadian science blog network. I having been talking to various individuals about this over the last year (2012) and while there’s interest, someone offered to help and then changed their mind. Plus, I was hoping to persuade the the Canadian Science Writers Association to take it on but I think they were too far advanced in their planning for a member’s network to consider something more generalized (and far more expensive). So, if anyone out there has ideas about how to do this, please do comment and perhaps we can get something launched in 2013.
This is great and very helpful! I’m Canadian, and try to cover some Canadian science policy and politics with my (very fledgling and irregularly updated) blog. I’d be interested in helping start up a Canadian blog network of some sort — I think that could be really useful and valuable.
Hi Eight Crayon Science! I’m delighted to hear of your blog and that you’re interested in helping start up a Cdn. science blog network. I hope a few more folks chime in so we can get this off the ground. I have to run now but I will be back to pursue this. All the best for you and your blog in 2013. Cheers, Maryse
Sorry still here and will publish again more in 2013. I added a new publication of mine (not open access though 🙁 ).
Happy new year Maryse and wow! That is the only faint utterance I can make after reading this amazing and thorough roundup of Canadian science blogs. I think I speak for everyone (or at least I should) when I say how wonderful and generous of you to take the time to do this.
Your own blog gains in visits and influence all the time, deservedly so, and no doubt soon your millions of readers will be leaving the rest of us in the dust.
Thank you & keep writing.
Hi BaxDoc (susan)! Thank you and this is very kind of you. I hope 2013 brings us a Cdn. science blogging network (since posting a few interested parties have spoken up) and we can all benefit from higher profiles and huge surges in our visitor statistics. All the best, Maryse
Hi Gregor! I’m glad to see you and your blog are still standing and I look forward to more posts in 2013. Sorry to hear your new publication is not open access. All the best for 2013. Cheers, Maryse
Great idea for a Canadian science blog network – we chatted briefly on Twitter but count me in again. I wrote a post on link btwn Cdn scicomm & Cdn research ( – a bit outside my usual expertise so excited to see some new initiatives on the Cdn scicomm landscape. I’m in process of rethinking/revamping blog, great time to have this conversation.
Thanks for the mention of True that I do not conform to the “traditional blog format”. However, most entries at ARE tagged with dates in many ways. For instance: Canadian science news entries are dated. I post about once or twice a month and only REAL Canadian science news that in my personal opinion is noteworthy–not junk like coffee curing cancer, etc. All questions and answers in the Ask-A-Scientist section are dated, and some have dated threaded answers as new scientific information becomes available or as other scientists chime in. E.g.: All the profiles of scientists have a “last modified” date at the end of the entry. Our Canadian Science Jobs section is current, pulling science jobs from multiple sources every night after midnight. I’m always looking for ways to improve and I can pay people who want to contribute content.
I’m glad to have received information about this blog site, but am simultaneously concnered with the fact that there does not seem to be any element of nature / natrual history / wildlife content. I have published 4 books on animal subjects and have been blogging for over 2 years on conservation issues (mainly, anyway, with occasional side trips about things that interest me). Maybe this field is not considered “true” science? 🙂 I hope that is not the case.
I forgot to mention. I am an alumnus of the Banff Science Communications program (2007).
Dear Barry, Thank you for the clarification and for dropping by to leave this comment. As for having money to pay for content, I’m sure many folks will be glad to know about that. Cheers, Maryse
Dear Jerry, I’m glad to hear from you and to hear about your blog. I have been mostly concentrating on finding Canadian science blogs. You may want to try this for yourself and see whether or not your blog pops up in a search for ‘Canadian science blogs’ or ‘Canada science blogs’. I know mine does not nor do most of the others listed here. My system for finding Canadian science blogs is imperfect and it’s part of the reason why I’d like to see a ‘Canadian science blog network’ which would make finding blogs such as yours and mine much easier. Thank you for your time. Cheers, Maryse
Did I miss this or did you? An excellent climate science blog by a young grad student from Saskatoon: Climate Sight,
And thanks for including Sci/Why. I’m one of the group of Canadian kids’ science writers that produces it.
Hi Claire! Thanks for dropping by and commenting. Yes, I missed that blog and some others too. I appreciate the suggestion and will include it in next year’s roundup provided that blog still exists and I continue to do the roundup. Personally, I’d rather see a National Cdn. science blog/blogger network in 2013. Cheers, Maryse
I agree that a network would be great. But I have sworn off volunteering until I get caught up on my own life. Could take a while…
Not sure if this fits within your requirements for not choking, but the Stem Cell Network (a Canadian NCE) used to have a blog which was recently merged with the Centre for Commercialization of Regenerative Medicine (CCRM) to form the Signals blog (
It is written by a collection of Canadian grad students and post-docs, as well as staff from both the SCN and CCRM. It is an excellent resource for keeping tabs on current news in the stem cell community (disclosure – I am an (unfrequent) contributor, so my views may be biased!)
Terrific roundup Maryse. Thanks for putting this together. I should mention that my output at The Primate Diaries has been unusually low recently due to research trips and grant deadlines. But I typically post original pieces biweekly. I look forward to discovering some new Canadian science blogs from your list!
Hello Maryse,
Thanks for the mention, and apologies for the lag in productivity! The good news is that there’s been several posts since this one went up, but we promise to do better in 2013!
Hi Sarah! Thanks so much for offering and I will be in touch. Cheers, Maryse
Hi Gregor! It’s good to know that you will be publishing more in 2013 and I’m sorry to hear your latest is not open access (them’s the breaks, eh?) All the best for the new year, Maryse
Dear Ben, Thank you for dropping by to let me know about the Signals blog and how it came it to be (more or less). All the best in the new year, Maryse
Hi Eric Michael! I’m very happy to know that this was a temporary lull as you prepared to start blogging on a biweekly basis. Thanks so much for the kind words. Happy 2013, Maryse
Hi Nicole! Great to hear that there’s more at your blog and we can all anticipate greater activity. It sometimes seems as if blogs have insatiable appetites that will never be satisfied (or perhaps that’s a projection on my part 🙂 I certainly understand not having time or needing a break from it. All the best in 2013, Maryse
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if you want it send me an email and I can send it too you.
Thanks Gregor, will be in touch soon. Cheers, Maryse
Hi – thanks for including the two Canadian Occam’s Typewriter blogs and our group blog on the Guardian Science site!
Sorry to inform you, though, that Eva Amsen (a friend of mine) isn’t Canadian, although she did do her PhD in Toronto. She’s Dutch and is now in the UK.
Hi Cath! Thanks so much for update on Eva Amsen … And, it’s timely too since there’s at least one group interested in forming a Cdn. sci blog network and this gives us more information on how big the potential pool of bloggers might be. Also, I want to say how much I enjoyed your recent post (Feb. 22, 2013) about being the ‘official Canadian tweeter’ for a week in January 2013 (Guardian Science blogs: titled, What happens when you give a scientist keys to the national Twitter account? Cheers, Maryse
Pingback: Sci comm, Canada, and the Faster, Pussycat! Kil! Kill! network of Canadian science blog(ger)s « FrogHeart
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